Per Kristiansen replied to the topic Global conference or many local ones? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years ago
hi Massimo
We will absolutely do another global conference. We are back in Billund in October (3-4th). I think you missed the 2016 conference, which explains why you didn’t know. We will post about it soon’ish
Per -
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
hi Wan, there will be updates in 2016. Send me an e-mail and I will forward you a password for seriousplay.training
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic handicap and LSP in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
hi Hugues
I have done this a couple of times, and the most surprising thing is that you do not have to adapt, or at least extremely little. The key difference is in how visually impaired see things, as my sponsor said it “but we see, we just see with our hands”. Thus, give the listeners time to feel the model, before or while the builder is…[Read more]
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic LSP in virtual scenarios in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
I have a bit of experience with this, and know of some experiences done previously by the LEGO Group. There are certainly some challenges in creating 100/100. Calendar permitting, I would be happy to participate
Per -
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic LSP trademarks and copyrights violated? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Furhter to Onno’s post, consder putting this line to itLEGO®, the LEGO® logo, the Brick, Knob configuration and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group.
And, be carefull with the writing of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY inside the other colour and in grey color. This could be intepreted as a violation of the logo and trademark
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 10 years ago
ok, did not catch that it was you. See you on HK, I hope
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 10 years ago
hi Rocio, I will be in Barcelona in March 2015, would that work for you?
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 10 years ago
Would be happy to help you. I can send you my full program, please forward me your contact details. Next availble program is in London in January, program closest to you will be in Amman, Jordan in March (23-26)
Per -
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic A question for the LSP Practitioners and Professionals in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Dear Alexander
The short answer would be that the sets are costly but not expensive. The kits, in particular, the connections kit contain a lot of special elements that are expensive to produce. Historically, LEGO has kept the same margin on the LSP products as on any. In periods it has even been lower, but I believe that it has been adjust to…[Read more]
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic LSP Questions in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
hi Hisham
Would be delighted to connect on skype, certain that Robert is equally available
My skypename is pkristia
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Per Kristiansen replied to the topic LSP Questions in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Sorry if I missed your call, I am doing a training in India, so am a bit unavailableYour questions can be answered from several perspectives: 1) From LEGO trademarks and 2) From the Assocation of Master Trainers
I will try to the real broad outline, and then would be more than happy to speak on the phone
Generally, what LEGO care about…[Read more]
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic Documentation in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Little to add to the rich answers from Joyce and Marko, only want to share that I have found it important to keep the documentation as close to their language as possible, i.e. really use the metaphors and keep them alive. This helps carry the result into the workplace afterwards
Good luck
Per -
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 10 years ago
hi Jorge, would be happy to send you the info leaflet. Can you share you mail adress with me? In short, it is a one-day program focusing on advanced use of AT3, in particular how to develop a business model canvas. You will get a new section for your manual. It is based on that everyone is certified in LSP and has experience with the method +…[Read more]
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
hi, I have used it with two major UK banks, one large bank in Southern Europe. I have not personally used it with banks in Scandinavia (where I live), but believe it has happened
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
hi Gustavo, the assocation was formed by Robert Rasmussen and my-self when LEGO launched the community model. Robert and I were the original master trainers in the method for LEGO, we are both former LEGO and Executive Discovery employees. When the business model became more open, we decided to compete and collaborate. We formed the association,…[Read more]
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
hi Patrizia, just a couple of quick thoughts: this is a bit like coaching, you dont need a coaching certificate to do coaching, “it is simple, you just have to ask questions”, but those that have approved certifications somehow do it better. There are probably many viable paths, one of the ones that Robert and I work on is that LEGO makes it clear…[Read more]
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic In search for THE definition in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 11 years ago
hi Patrizia
Could perhaps also be topic for a building exercise at a break out session at the LSP days later this year…
A presto
Per -
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic In search for THE definition in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 11 years ago
hi Patrizia
Your question is far from stupid, however it may have two sides to it:Do you mean what defines something as LEGO SERIOUS PLAY – in that case we would often turn to the core process. If one does not adhere to the core process, then it is not LSP
Do you mean defining what it does or is, ie a method etc – in this case we often talk…[Read more]
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
Simon, adding to the above (with which I am perfectly aligned), my experience with large groups, whether it is an intro to LSP or an actual delivery, is that music should be avoided, relatively small groups (6 per table) makes it easier to align, that sharing rounds are shorter, skills building is as always important, and finally that each…[Read more]
Per Kristiansen posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
Quick reply, the approach I have used at Pegasus and other conferences is a robust skills building followed by a relevant AT1 challenge, and then a bit of supporting theory and finally case examples.
It is very much following the experience – explain principle
Happy to share more, if or when needed - Load More
Thanks Per, Do you have further info re the Pegasus conference or any further information for short LSP introductory sessions