LSP trademarks and copyrights violated?

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  • #5244

    Hey all,

    It’s been a while, but I remember Per mentioning during training that Lego is pretty critical about the usage of LEGO, LSP etc terms. Can anybody shed any lights on whether this image as used on the new LSP Holland group, actually infringes on Lego’s copyrights or trademarks?

    Logo of meetup

    The image is intended to be used not for my personal advertising, but for a community group on meetup:

    Look forward to hearing from you!



    Hello Martin, thanks for posting that question, it is a very interesting topic.
    In my opinion from what I see and what I believe based on recommendation from books and facilitators training… the image you are showing at the meet up site does not infringes LEGO’s copyrights or trademarks… but lets see if the topic gets more responses and maybe some different.
    I believe most of us have seen ourselves wondering if the use of the image is right or not.

    best regards!

    Per Kristiansen

    Furhter to Onno’s post, consder putting this line to it

    LEGO®, the LEGO® logo, the Brick, Knob configuration and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group.

    And, be carefull with the writing of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY inside the other colour and in grey color. This could be intepreted as a violation of the logo and trademark

    carl stewart

    Lego has been around for many years, and I believed it holds a lot of trademarking and copyright ownership. Trademark so to speak includes the use of slogan, taglines, descriptions, special characters, designs and layout along with its brand name and logo. If in any case you copy one of each detailed trademarks, even the closes design or alike so to speak, you are for sure way to copyright infringement violation. To know more on business branding and trademarking or business naming, you can try this one

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