Eli De Friend commented on the post, Lego Serious Play Experience at Airbus 1 year, 10 months ago
Hi Mark, I haven’t been on this website much for a while and consequently did not see this post when you published it. I happened to discover it today, when I was just checking that the web site still existed.
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Train others in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 1 month ago
Hi Irene, based on the Open Source license, you are licensed to facilitate or train even without being trained or certified yourself.
Technically, there is no official training curriculum or certification process. So if you wanted to create your own one, that would be completely OK as long as you respect LEGO’S Branding and trademark guidelines,…[Read more] -
Eli De Friend replied to the topic LEGO Serious Play Impact in Business World in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 2 months ago
Hi Werner, I hope you managed to get yourself included in the Slack Channel as per your request some weeks back.
I feel compelled to respond to your post on the Impact in the Business World, because you make some very valid points, but also some erroneous assumptions or perhaps misinterpretations.
When someone asks to have a script for running a…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 2 months ago
Hi Gonzalo,
I think I understand perhaps part of your problem. Many clients see LSP as a fun thing to do that facilitates a discussion about work in a fun way and supports team-building. I don’t know whether it is through simplistic journalistic coverage or practitioners elevators pitches, but clients often think that, if they need help developing…[Read more] -
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 2 months ago
Hi Gonzalo,
Originally, LSP was a strategy development tool and Simple Guiding Principles (SGPs) were some of if not THE core outputs of the process.
Uncovering and building SGPs used to be part of the standard facilitator training. In 4 days we covered everything. But in those days, the assumption was that the participants were already…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 2 months ago
Hi Gonzalo,
Originally, LSP was a strategy development tool and Simple Guiding Principles (SGPs) were some of if not THE core outputs of the process.
Uncovering and building SGPs used to be part of the standard facilitator training. In 4 days we covered everything. But in those days, the assumption was that the participants were already…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 2 months ago
Hi Gonzalo,
Originally, LSP was a strategy development tool and Simple Guiding Principles (SGPs) were some of if not THE core outputs of the process.
Uncovering and building SGPs used to be part of the standard facilitator training. In 4 days we covered everything. But in those days, the assumption was that the participants were already…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Pricing in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Hi Monica,
Could I suggest a different approach to your question. In my experience, 4 hours is the absolute minimum required to achieve any semblance of shared understanding/agreement on a given subject. Most companies require multiple workshops of variable duration of 1 or 2 days in order to achieve a sustainable impact.
So, if you just want to…[
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Slack Channel in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Hi Werner,
I believe that Marko is managing the Slack Channel. When it was first set up, I was unaware of what Slack was and when it was explained to me, I felt that it did not reflect my working habits. So I have stayed away. For communication with the seriousplaypro community, I use this WordPress-based site. For bi-lateral asynchronous…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Slack Channel in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 7 months ago
Hi Werner,
I believe that Marko is managing the Slack Channel. When it was first set up, I was unaware of what Slack was and when it was explained to me, I felt that it did not reflect my working habits. So I have stayed away. For communication with the seriousplaypro community, I use this WordPress-based site. For bi-lateral asynchronous…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Project in Innovation Management,? Would you be willing to answer some questions in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Juanfra,
This URL is fully shareable and permits multiple answers from the same respondent (not that this has been a challenge in the 6 years since I created it) :-)
I haven’t tested it in years either, while the underlying software (SoGoSurvey) has been upgraded. I don’t expect there to be any problems,…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Augmented Reality LEGO: Virtual LSP applications? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Jody,
A few years ago, I actually explored the possibility of using AR/VR and the existing LEGO tools to support the following Work Flow:1. Workshop participants come together in a physical co-located space and build real world tangible models.
2. Workshop facilitator or sponsor photographs/films the model and uploads it into the LEGO…[Read more] -
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Augmented Reality LEGO: Virtual LSP applications? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 8 months ago
Hi Jody,
A few years ago, I actually explored the possibility of using AR/VR and the existing LEGO tools to support the following Work Flow:1. Workshop participants come together in a physical co-located space and build real world tangible models.
2. Workshop facilitator or sponsor photographs/films the model and uploads it into the LEGO…[Read more] -
Eli De Friend replied to the topic LSP for the classroom in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
I won’t bother to repeat what Sebastian has already said, but will be a bit more rhetorical. How did we learn that the shapes (that we call letters) “d” “o” “g” represent a four legged mammal with a tail that it wags when it’s happy and that those same shapes/letters in a different sequence represent the supreme element of our belief system? As…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Non-certified facilitators in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi All,
This is a subject that I take dearly to heart. Some of us in the LSP community were practising years before we finally got certified and I am sure that there will always be a percentage of professionals who discover the methodology and start using it successfully long before they decide to attend a formal training session.I remember a…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Teambuilding activities for a team of 4 people!? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi Marcos,
I always tell potential clients that team-building is an unavoidable by-product of the LSP process. Therefore it is better value and actually helps the process if the team can focus on a specific subject. The fact that they are German and Mexicans should only influence what language they use.Activities you might want to consider…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Eye tracking and LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Hi Stephen,
As the LSP community is so vast now, I wouldn’t count out the possibility that studies might have been conducted in the area of eye-tracking during an LSP process, although I would think it is highly improbable.
Such research might influence how we present the methodology. Another aspect of participant behaviour that we “know”, while I…[Read more] -
Eli De Friend wrote a new post 7 years ago
In an episode of the BBC’s Witness series, Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen recounts how his grandfather and father developed the LEGO brick and the early contributions he made to the LEGO system.
Eli De Friend replied to the topic anyone in Australia for LSP? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi Denise, Sorry for putting a “Y” in your name. I actually checked that it was “I”, but my fingers seem to have had a mind of their own :-)
Marc, David Oliver’s LinkedIn profile is https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-oliver-bb4343/. But as you now have the link with Denise, I think you’re in capable hands.
Best regards,
Eli -
Eli De Friend replied to the topic anyone in Australia for LSP? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi Marc,
May I recommend that you contact Denyse Meyerson. As far as I am aware, she is based in Sydney. She has been training and certifying other facilitators for nearly 10 years now. So, she would be able to train you or put you in contact with some of the facilitators she has trained in the past.
Also, David Oliver, who worked with Johan Roos…[Read more] - Load More