Profile Details

Eli De Friend

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Organisational development consultant. Studied languages, fell into IT, discovered systems analysis methods, turned towards project management, got swept off feet by strategy and workshop facilitation, ran first LSP workshop in 2003, finally got certified 5 years later.

I try to make sure that I share interesting experiences that will help the global LSP facilitator and customer community understand the versatility and power of the methodology. High profile interventions, complex contexts, integration with other approaches are areas which I feel would be of value to other visitors to the seriousplaypro, whether they are registered users or just dropping by.

As I tend to keep an eye on what is being discussed in the forums, intervening, when I have time and feel it could be useful, I have somehow been given the title Forum Admin on the website community team.

Facilitation languages

English, French, Italian, Spanish, German

Contact info

Avenue Abraham Hermanjat, 43
Aubonne CH-1170


Twitter URL


Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

Per Kristiansen, Bern, 2008