Rodrigo Borgia replied to the topic Material en Español in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hola Andrés,
No tengo en claro si hay material en español.
Sentite libre de escribirme con dudas/consultas.
rodrigogborgia@hotmail.com -
Andres Majlis started the topic Material en Español in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Buenas Noches , compañeros .
Soy novato en este entusiasmante mundo.
Vivo en argentina. Por lo que vi dentro de unos meses va a haber una certificacion en mi pasi.
Hasta entonces me gustatia ir leyendo algun material ppreferentemete en español.
Me pueden recomendar alguno ? -
Lorenzo replied to the topic Slack Channel in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Please add me lorenzomassacci@gmail.com
Thank you -
Mandy Diamond started the topic Traveling Interstate with Lego in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hi there
I am facilitating at a conference in Houston on March and will be flying over from Maryland. What doesn’t everyone usually do when you need to transport a ton of Lego interstate? Any tips would be appreciated.
Mandy Diamond replied to the topic Slack Channel in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Giovanni Pérez replied to the topic Urban development strategy with LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hi Richard
Well…this is actually my field, the main reason i took the course as LSP facilitator was to apply it to urban planning, urban design and formulation of urban public policies.
The key question it´s “¿whats the goal or objective to achieve?”, ¿they want to do an urban or strategic plan?, a public policy?, ¿they want to share and val…[Read more]
Richard Hlavay started the topic Urban development strategy with LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hi all! I’am in talk with the mayors office of one of the Hungarian big city, to create a new urban development strategy with LSP. I’d like to gather international references for that discussion. Has anyone experience, or reference in such enviroment with LSP?
Sven Cipido replied to the topic Slack Channel in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Can I join the slack channel also. The link to self invite didn’t work anymore.
My email is sven@svencipido.beThanks
Sven Cipido -
Rodrigo Borgia replied to the topic Advice for designing a workshop to strengthen communication and collaboration in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hi Mathias,
In this case, if i were in charge of designing the workshop, i would do the following.
1) 40 / 45 minutes warm up
2) 40 / 45: Where are we now? (and here you can customize the open question such as “How do i see communication and collaboration at….”)
3) 40 / 45: Where would we like to be in X time? (a year, 10 years?)
4) 40 / 45:…[
Mathias started the topic Advice for designing a workshop to strengthen communication and collaboration in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hi all.
I was recently certified as a facilitator, and I now have my first job.
I’m looking for inspiration and advice for designing a workshop aiming to strengthen communication and collaboration across teams in an organization (designers / developers)My hope is that one or more of you might have experience with simular cases, and might…[Read more]
Lindsay Ellis replied to the topic Kits for Sale in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
with tax I paid $892 Canadian for each kit. I don’t know where you are so I can’t estimate if that’s a deal in your currency or how much shipping would be.
Alejandro Cabral replied to the topic Kits for Sale in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Would love to hear about the price on those Lindsay!
Lindsay Ellis started the topic Kits for Sale in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
I have an unopened landscape and identity kit and an unopened connection kit that I’m looking to sell. I’m in Toronto Canada so I’m not sure about shipping rates if you live far away.
Just looking to get my money back so would like to sell them at cost/same price as lego store. -
Madalina Manolache replied to the topic Masterclass on LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hello, Marko,
Thank you very much for your reply. By masterclass I mean a one-day workshop where different uses of the methodology are explored. As I mentioned in my first post, I work for an outsourcing company, in the Training dept. and most of the times the operational teams and managers ask us to deliver innovative trainings on quite “vintage”…[Read more] -
Madalina Manolache replied to the topic Masterclass on LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hello, Francine,
Thank you so much for your suggestions and reccomendation – I started following IntHRface on Linked in and I will look up their site as well.
Have a lovely evening, as it is evening on my time :)
Madalina -
Marko Rillo replied to the topic Masterclass on LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hello Madalina. What do you mean by “masterclass”? I understand based on your profile that you have already attended a LSP facilitator training session in March 2018. Would you like to refresh your knowledge, learn some particular aspects of the LSP or work with somebody more experienced? Anyway – I would be also happy to invite you to one of my…[Read more]
Francine Masson replied to the topic Masterclass on LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hello Madalina,
I attended IntHRface.com classes in Billund last June, at the Lego Congress center and once I compared with other masterclasses, I realized how well done and complete is Micael Buckle training workshop. I flew from Montreal Canada to attend and get my LSP certification and it was worth the travel.
Francine Masson -
Madalina Manolache started the topic Masterclass on LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hello, everyone,
I am really interested in attending masterclasses in Europe on using LSP for various requirements/topics.
I work for an outsourcing company and they would like to integrate LSP methodology in trainings regarding customer types or conflict management, mainly soft skills topics. Any input would be higly appreciated :)
I would…[
Choong SinFatt replied to the topic Large group coordinated game in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hi Dror, I do not think LSP is an appropriate tool/method to simulate the SAFe Release Planning (PI planning in the SAFe context). However, I do use LEGO bricks as the build medium to simulate the PI planning avtivities.
For more info on how I did it, u can refer here ……[Read more] -
Francine Masson replied to the topic Large group coordinated game in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
You might be interested in this video :
https://www.unow.fr/blog/le-coin-des-experts/lego-for-scrum-agilite-jeu-construction/ - Load More