Alejandro Cabral started the topic Selling 10 lbs of bricks if someone’s interested! in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 1 year, 5 months ago
Hi everyone!
You know how it is: you run a few workshops and for one reason or another one you might end up keeping a kit or two. Fast forward a couple of years and you suddenly have 10 lbs of discovery + some starter kits left, all mixed up.
I usually use batches like these when I have big workshops and I add them to either the landscape or…[Read more]
Alejandro Cabral replied to the topic ¿How to build / negotiate shared models in a big team? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 2 years, 2 months ago
Hey Christian, how are you? I mostly work with smaller teams, never more than 12 people when I can, but every now and then a larger group comes in. This is how I’ve approached those workshops, after consulting with trainers and more Sr. facilitators:
1. Try to recruit at least 1 more facilitator to keep that 1-to-12 ratio when possible.
Alejandro Cabral replied to the topic Kits for Sale in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years, 3 months ago
Would love to hear about the price on those Lindsay!
Alejandro Cabral replied to the topic Failing Company – Serious Problems!! [HELP] in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years, 7 months ago
Hi Priscila! It sounds like a good scenario to work with shared models to me, as they will need to make decisions as a team. Something that sounds appealing to me is working on the skills they will need to actually overcome their crisis first, and then working on what could be their plan for the future. Both plans have in common one question: what…[Read more]
Alejandro Cabral replied to the topic Using LSP to help professionals find and work on their personal brands in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years, 7 months ago
July 13th Update:
I already had 2 personal brand workshops, based on finding their identity. Johari’s was a good idea, as I had used before on similar quests but in this case, it really added tangible value to participants (meaning, not “whiteboard value”, not written but built) and through the models they built they were able to find elements on…[Read more]
Alejandro Cabral started the topic Using LSP to help professionals find and work on their personal brands in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years, 7 months ago
Hi everyone,
I’m a brand new LSP facilitator, marveled still by what I learned a few weeks ago with Lucio Margulis. My head has been spinning since then with the possibilities. The applications seem endless!
In any case, I’ve been working with sales and marketing professionals for the past 5 years, and with entrepreneurs off late with a single…[Read more]