Stig Arne Kristoffersen and
Sabin D are now friends 3 years, 3 months ago
Gustavo Palacios Urincho and
Gustavo are now friends 4 years, 6 months ago
Stig Arne Kristoffersen and
Gustavo are now friends 4 years, 6 months ago
Marcos Cedillo started the topic Teambuilding activities for a team of 4 people!? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
Hello coleagues!
I have been requested for a teambuilding session for 4 people only!
1 German and 3 mexicans.
Do you have any suggestions of activities I can include in the session?? I would deeple appreciate your inputs!
Have a fun week!
Marcos. -
Stig Arne Kristoffersen posted an update 8 years ago
We offer full suite of Lego Serious Play and Lego Eduction platform services to individuals, associations and companies of all sizes within Sweden.
We hav now expanded our activities with more experienced consultants so we are able to cater for just your needs. -
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic Global conference or many local ones? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 8 years, 10 months ago
hi Massimo
We will absolutely do another global conference. We are back in Billund in October (3-4th). I think you missed the 2016 conference, which explains why you didn’t know. We will post about it soon’ish
Per -
Stig Arne Kristoffersen posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago
As of January 1st 2016, we will start Lego Serious Play based workshops within Southern Sweden. Our goal is to have 8 workshops within the 1Q 2016.
Marcos Cedillo wrote a new post 9 years, 7 months ago
Hello LSP colleagues! I will be visiting Germany for few weeks in september, I wonder if there is anyone interested on meeting an evening or weekend to share best practices on our LSP workshops and talk about what
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic handicap and LSP in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 8 months ago
hi Hugues
I have done this a couple of times, and the most surprising thing is that you do not have to adapt, or at least extremely little. The key difference is in how visually impaired see things, as my sponsor said it “but we see, we just see with our hands”. Thus, give the listeners time to feel the model, before or while the builder is…[Read more]
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic LSP in virtual scenarios in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 9 months ago
I have a bit of experience with this, and know of some experiences done previously by the LEGO Group. There are certainly some challenges in creating 100/100. Calendar permitting, I would be happy to participate
Per -
Marcos Cedillo replied to the topic LSP in virtual scenarios in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 9 months ago
Hello Omar, I am willing to participate!
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic LSP trademarks and copyrights violated? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 9 months ago
Furhter to Onno’s post, consder putting this line to itLEGO®, the LEGO® logo, the Brick, Knob configuration and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group.
And, be carefull with the writing of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY inside the other colour and in grey color. This could be intepreted as a violation of the logo and trademark
Marcos Cedillo replied to the topic LSP trademarks and copyrights violated? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 9 months ago
Hello Martin, thanks for posting that question, it is a very interesting topic.
In my opinion from what I see and what I believe based on recommendation from books and facilitators training… the image you are showing at the meet up site does not infringes LEGO’s copyrights or trademarks… but lets see if the topic gets more responses and maybe…[Read more] -
Marcos Cedillo commented on the post, A Musical Powerpoint Timer for LSP Sessions 9 years, 10 months ago
Hello Dieter and Donna,
I like the idea of the power point timer on the screen, however, I have been hesitant to adopt something like that in my workshops as I believe if the participant is looking at the time -
Marcos Cedillo wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago
The administrative team at the UVM Aguascalientes University (in Mexico) participated on a series of LSP workshops, the focus was the team identity and the “Year of the Leader” which is an initiative in the
Marcos Cedillo started the topic LSP Workshops to 70 people in 5 groups, at the UVM University, in Mexico. in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 10 months ago
Hello everyone,
I would like to share with you this 4 min. video of a set of workshops I had few weeks ago.
It was a great experience though a little heavy as we held 2 workshops a day with only a short lunch break.
My client is a Private University and the participants were all administrative people working in it.
I hope you enjoy, thanks for watching. -
Marcos Cedillo commented on the post, Team-Building Games Using Legos 9 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for sharing Andy.
Marcos Cedillo replied to the topic LSP workshop for sector specialization strategy in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Gabriel, my two cents…
You mentioned the group was going to be 20 participants, I would do one of these 2 scenarios:
1- Split the group in half and have 2 separate sessions.
2- Have them all together in the room but use a facilitator assistant so you can have 2 tables of 10 working at the same time, you give one general instruction or…[Read more] -
Marcos Cedillo replied to the topic Activity suggestions for LSP Workshop for people that doesn't believe in method in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Thank you Marko, Debbie, Patrizia, Sebastian and Christopher!!
all your comments were useful for me, let me tell you that the session last month went great!
They were 10 participants and half of them knew each other and the other half didn’t (even though they work in same company). I went through the classic warm up, and included in my workshop…[Read more] -
Marcos Cedillo commented on the post, The LEGO® – Retrospective 10 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for sharing. It definitely boosts the flow of information coming from the team during a retrospective meeting. Congratulations.
I have had distributed teams on different locations and working under the - Load More