• Please add me – g.veliz.bernaola@gmail.com

    Thanks in advance.. see you there

  • Hi Marcos

    Do you have the dates that you will be here? I’m a certified LEGO Serious Play facilitator and founder of a local LEGO User Group in Perú. https://www.facebook.com/LUG.LEGOClubPeru
    It would be glad to talk about LSP and maybe let people know more about it and your experience with the methodology.
    How could i contact you? maybe Skype…[Read more]

  • Gustavo posted a new activity comment 10 years ago

    Thanks Per. This really helps. So as far as i understand to become a trainer depends on your collaboration with the community. For now there is no a formal process to become a trainer really?.

    Thanks in advance for your help. I have a lot to read and practice. I hope soon ill be sharing how it goes

  • Gustavo posted a new activity comment 10 years ago

    Thanks Per. This really helps. So as far as i understand to become a trainer depends on your collaboration with the community. For now there is no a formal process to become a trainer really?.

    Thanks in advance for your help. I have a lot to read and practice. I hope soon ill be sharing how it goes

  • Hi Guys

    I’m new on this but i was reading about the LSP Facilitator training and found that many training companies refers to a Association of Master Trainers in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method but i couldn’t found any url or website about this Association or how the trainers of this certification become trainers that can certified people.

    I h…[Read more]

    • hi Gustavo, the assocation was formed by Robert Rasmussen and my-self when LEGO launched the community model. Robert and I were the original master trainers in the method for LEGO, we are both former LEGO and Executive Discovery employees. When the business model became more open, we decided to compete and collaborate. We formed the association,…[Read more]

    • Thanks Per. This really helps. So as far as i understand to become a trainer depends on your collaboration with the community. For now there is no a formal process to become a trainer really?.

      Thanks in advance for your help. I have a lot to read and practice. I hope soon ill be sharing how it goes

    • Thanks Per. This really helps. So as far as i understand to become a trainer depends on your collaboration with the community. For now there is no a formal process to become a trainer really?.

      Thanks in advance for your help. I have a lot to read and practice. I hope soon ill be sharing how it goes