Peter Poeck (Solution Manager, Cegeka) wrote on ADM website the following post.

Houses, cars, trains, castles, dragons,… I’ve built them all! I’ve built my own dreamworld during my childhood and I loved it! This week I played with LEGO® again. Am I in a midlife crisis or is there something wrong in my head? Not at all and if so, I am not alone. Together with 100 people we had a “LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®” ADM session at San Marco Village in Schelle. It’s was a creative evening and I’ve enjoyed meeting some great people.

The goal of the evening was to play with LEGO® and working together. Yes we did! Together with 4 other people on our table we started to build. The room was filled with silence and everybody was busy creating ideas and visions.

From building a tower and creating your own design of happiness to building your own vision of the perfect ADM session. Looks silly, but it worked and everybody was 100% involved. Our last assignment of the evening, “build your ADM2020 session together with your tablemates”. Yes mates, because you learn to know each other during playtime and it was fun!

Let me explain our vision on ADM2020 in some bullet points and look at the picture of our creation:

  • An open gate were people can look what’s going on at ADM2020 (Visibility) – (A)
  • A buffet with food from different cultures (It’s all about culture) – (B)
  • A transparent environment (No walls) – (C)
  • ADM has a solid base and People are still in the center – (D)
  • We put important people & things in the spotlights, so everybody can see what’s going on (People first) – (E)
  • We made open Windows on the world (Working out Loud) – (F)
  • We do not always know where it is going and what form it will take (Self organizing Communities) – (G)
  • We always look at the future and see the positive and negative aspects – (H)
  • As soon as we have information & communication, we would definitely share with the world (Sharing is caring) – (I)
  • The wheelwork represents the technology that is necessary to make the vision a reality  – (J)

Now it’s time to build your own vision and meet people!


The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology is an innovative process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Based on research which shows that this kind of hands-on, minds-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology deepens the reflection process and supports an effective dialogue – for everyone in the organization. The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology is an innovative, experimental process designed to enhance innovation and business performance.

“You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than you can from a lifetime of conversation” – Plato


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