Driving Organizational Readiness for Change through Strategic Workshops

Johan Roos and Victor Nilsson have just published a survey based academic article that is probably of interest to many LEGO Serious Play facililitators because they recently got in touch with many of us asking for our permission to run some impartial surveys among the participants that had recently attended our meetings or workshops using LEGO Serious Play method.

The title of the article is “Driving Organizational Readiness for Change through Strategic Workshops” and it is now available via International Journal of Management and Applied Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-28. https://doi.org/10.18646/2056.71.20-001

The Abstract

Change initiatives in organizations often fail because people are neither committed to nor convinced they can implement the change successfully. The change challenge is a practical problem for most leaders. The vast literature on change management offers insights into obstacles to change and how to overcome them, and the emerging literature on readiness for change offers a plethora of instruments for how to assess it, though primarily in health care settings. However, there is limited advice about how to design workshops around new initiatives in organizations to increase readiness for change. To address this problem, we developed a model of the drivers of change readiness, based on survey data from 374 participants in 69 independently facilitated workshops to test hypotheses. The findings show which constructs have the most predictive power. These results have important implications for how to design and facilitate workshops that increase participants’ readiness for change. The study makes several contributions to the theory and practice of creating shared readiness for change.

Read the full article directly via IJMAR


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