Nena Singh wrote about Top 5 ways they could help with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY in their blog

In the picture above you see the members of our team, busy planning using Lego! To see pictures from other LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® sessions please click blog part 1 of 5.

For our Five Year Anniversary our team is taking turn writing this blog in Five parts, each blog will feature a case study to answer the most often asked question “what do you do with LEGO®”? At Timelined we estimate to have 20% of Canada’s practicing certified Serious Play Professionals, yes there are probably lots being certified everyday but according to statistics from Lego only about 14% of certified professionals practice this art and science everyday as facilitators.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Use #3 Speed Up Creative Thinking – We are re-branding so our name better reflects who we are and where we are going. We were recently lucky enough to have some of our clients come and participate in a Re-Branding session with us. Typically Re-branding Exercises can take days or even months to plan out. Now, let me clarify when I use the term Re-Branding I am talking about deciding on the following components:
1. Our Service Definitions – What are the services we provide (in our own words)?
2. Our Brand Persona – If our company was a person what characteristics would it have?
3. Our Brand Promise – What is our commitment to ourselves as we deliver products/ services?
4. Our Brand Expectations – What can our clients expect from us and call us out on, if we are not delivering according to expectations.

The above is an example of a specific re-branding session, but as you can see if you changed up the questions you could apply it to any innovative product/ service design where you need the team’s input and perceptions.

If you ask LEGO® the definition of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® it is as follows, “The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY ® methodology is an innovative process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Based on research which shows that this kind of hands-on, minds-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology deepens the reflection process and supports an effective dialogue – for everyone in the organization.

Come Join Us for our Awards of Excellence, where we are celebrating Five Years of Education, Innovation and Transformation.


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