A post by Francesc Mas twitter: @masfrancesc.

Lego Serious Play by Francesc Mas

Lego Serious Play allows us to improve the Team Management in an innovative and creative way. It uses the Lego pieces and through the bricks participants create models that help them to develop an Action Plan, which will be used as the axis of improvement.

With LSP participants Create Personal Identities and, in my experience, this is one of the most groundbreaking and innovative moments in Lego Serious Play methodology. People often ask us: “What can I do better?I ,” assuming that something does not do well.

This constant focus on the bad side of things makes people live on constant alert to make excuses for why we do things in a certain way and not another. With LSP, Creating Personal Identities, what we do is to maximize the strengths of the participants surfacing those features that can help the team grow even more. Participants build a new Personal Identity to answer the question, “What else can you bring to the team that now I’m not contributing?”

The next step continues focussing on the strengths of the participants, and each must build a Lego model referring to what he thinks in reference another team colleague, chosen at random, he can contribute more to the group.

On the one hand we have asked the participant build a model of something the team unknown and secondly the participant built a model of the participant who has touched. With all this methodology we seek to expand the open area of the Johari Window.

This self introspection makes participants learn more about them, do visible the potential that is not being exploited in the team and give them confidence and transparency to build the future together. And I say together why the next step in the LSP method is to create connections between team members in order to determine who or who will help us to implement our commitment about the constructed model.

We arrived at the crucial point in the process, we all Lego models built are on the table, isolated from the others and proceed to the third question: “Based on your model you can improve and what others see in you that can contribute more to the team Is this you need to improve, who or who can help you achieve it? “to do participants create connections through specific parts for this purpose.

The final thought is that the team develops them as such and will be a successful team, we need to enhance the characteristics of the life of this Team and this can not be done by alone individuals, we need other team members to help us achieve this. At the end we have a Lego landscape where all models are anchored together. ie if you move a model, moves all the organization, and if there is any model that has been isolated, asks whether it is important for the team or must discard it.


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