We have introduced a separate page about some books that would be interesting to read to current and future LSP facilitators. You are welcome to comment and add your suggestions of what you have read at this page: http://seriousplaypro.com/about/books/
Serious Play Library
We have introduced a separate page about some books that would be interesting to read to current and future LSP facilitators. You are welcome to comment and add your suggestions of what you have read at this page: http://seriousplaypro.com/about/books/
Co-creation with LEGO Serious Play in Classrooms
Marko Rillo, , Serious Play Library, Classrooms, Co-Creation, Lego Serious Play, Paper, reflection, Research, Stephen Dann, 1
Stephen Dann published in Australasian Marketing Journal a paper documenting his experience, reflection and results on using LEGO SERIOUS...
Descriptive, Creative and Challenging Imagination
Marko Rillo, , Serious Play Library, Bart Victor, Challenging, Creative, Descriptive, European Management Journal, IMAGINATION, Johan Roos, Richard Kearney, Serious Play, Strategy-Making, 1
You may have heard about three kinds of imagination: descriptive, creative and challenging. Roos & Victor introduced those three...
Brick by Brick: How LEGO Rewrote the Rules of Innovation and Conquered the Global Toy Industry
Marko Rillo, , Serious Play Library, Aarhus University, Brick, Brick by Brick, Case Study, David Robertson, Hasbro, Innovation, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, Knudstorp, Lego, Mattel, McKinsey, Toy Industry, 1
Wharton professor David Robertson with Bill Breen have written an engaging book, which contains a real case study on...
Serious Work Book Now also in German Language
Marko Rillo, , Serious Play Library, Book, Buch, Jens Droge, Lego Serious Play, Marko Rillo, Moderieren, Sean Blair, Serious Work, 2
Serious Work book is now published also in German language via German Amazon.de bookshop as: Meetings und Workshops mit...
Nice article on LEGO Research in schools with children
Jacqueline Lloyd Smith, MA, MBA, (ATR), (CMC), , Serious Play Library, Higher SAT scores, Lego Bricks, math skills in children, Research, 0
LEGO bricks build better mathematicians 27 November 2014 “LEGO construction skills were found to be a unique predictor of...
Early Serious Play Research
Marko Rillo, , Serious Play Library, Columbia University, Dale Mann, e-Learning Desktop Inc, Education, Fun, Learning, Play, Serious Play, Teachers College Record, 0
While we have covered in a number of ways research work that has been carried out in the field...
The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation
Marko Rillo, , Serious Play Library, Brainstorming, Facilitation, Handbook, IAF, International Association of Facilitators, Methods, Participation, Sandy Shuman, Trust, 0
As a recent International Association of Facilitator’s member I finished a truly impressive book that the IAF is using...
Research project to examine the use of Lego Serious Play in solving challenges in multi-stakeholder groups
Marko Rillo, , Serious Play Library, Lego Serious Play, Research, Stephen Dann, University of Lethbridge, 0
A University of Lethbridge professor is looking for people to participate in a research study where they will get...
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