Dror replied to the topic Large group coordinated game in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Thanks Ariane.
You’re correct – but I’m trying to build a game for SAFe, not for Scrum. My challenge is an Agile Release Train (ART), of 120 people, starting their common journey. 12 Scrum teams.
The goal is “beyond the ‘team building'”.
Any ideas?
I see that earlier you have asked about a game for 50 engineers…
Thanks -
Ariane Wunderli replied to the topic Large group coordinated game in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hello, well I think this is more LEGO for Scrum than LEGO SERIOUS PLAY.
Dror started the topic Large group coordinated game in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Working on a game for 120 people who need to build a coordinated project. (e.g. a whole town)
The goal of the game is to go beyond the single 5-9 members team. The goal is to converge to an Agile at scale frameworks – intervals, coordination, etc.
Any ideas? Past experience?
Dieter Reuther started the topic Facilitators in the New Brunswick NJ area? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Who would be interested in running a LSP based empathy exercise for engineers and scientist at Rutgers University? Asking for a friend. This would be an unpaid engagement but very interesting. I have done a few of those at Hult Business School here in Boston.
Dieter -
Stephen Dann replied to the topic Collaborative tower instructions in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
This might have the instruction set you were after?
Julio Preuss started the topic Collaborative tower instructions in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hi there,
Being an AFoL and having participated in a number of Serious Play workshops led by various facilitators, I decided to learn more about the methodology/process/etc.
I’ve been browsing websites, reading books, joining forums, and hoping for future training opportunities here in Canada (it seems I just missed some).
In the meantime, I’ve…[
Thierry Gregorius replied to the topic Failing Company – Serious Problems!! [HELP] in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hi Priscilla, sounds like this company has a supply chain problem. If that is really the case, I doubt the solution to the crisis lies within the walls of the company. Therefore it may be useful to ask your client if one or more of their suppliers should participate in the workshop.
Also, I hope the company doesn’t just want to use the LSP method…[Read more]
Priscilla Ramos de Moraes Braga replied to the topic Failing Company – Serious Problems!! [HELP] in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Thanks Alejandro and Francine. It helps me a lot!! Excelent tips and ideas!! ;)
Francine Masson replied to the topic Failing Company – Serious Problems!! [HELP] in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hi Priscilla!
Good ideas also the ones suggested by Alejandro Cabral.
As professional advisor in innovation strategies, and now also certified LSP, I would recommend to focus on the customer’s profile, their needs and wants. From there, start rebuilding a vision to answer those needs that might have changed during the course of the past years…[Read more] -
Alejandro Cabral replied to the topic Failing Company – Serious Problems!! [HELP] in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hi Priscila! It sounds like a good scenario to work with shared models to me, as they will need to make decisions as a team. Something that sounds appealing to me is working on the skills they will need to actually overcome their crisis first, and then working on what could be their plan for the future. Both plans have in common one question: what…[Read more]
Priscilla Ramos de Moraes Braga started the topic Failing Company – Serious Problems!! [HELP] in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hello everybody. I would like to have some ideas of how I can help a failing company using LSP. The biggest problem is lack of commodities products. In this year, the harvest had a trouble and they dont got everything they needed to manufacturing their products to sell. They call me to get help with the LSP Methods, because someone had big results…[Read more]
Alejandro Cabral replied to the topic Using LSP to help professionals find and work on their personal brands in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
July 13th Update:
I already had 2 personal brand workshops, based on finding their identity. Johari’s was a good idea, as I had used before on similar quests but in this case, it really added tangible value to participants (meaning, not “whiteboard value”, not written but built) and through the models they built they were able to find elements on…[Read more]
Danny Williams replied to the topic How to use LSP to enable teams to collaborate effectively in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hi Francine, Gabriel and Andrew,
Thanks for your advice.
It turns out that the practical sessions in this event are only going to be 40 minutes long!
The organising team have wisely decided not to go ahead with using LSP in this context.Regards,
Do it right or don’t do it at all !
Gabriel replied to the topic How to use LSP to enable teams to collaborate effectively in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hi Danny,
I think Francine’s ideas are great.
A few years ago I had to design and facilitate a worksop to help a tech startup better collaborate after being acquired by a tech giant. The CEO’s main concern at the time was seeing an increasing level of silo mentality. So the workshop focused on two main elements trust and collaboration in an agi…[Read more]
Gabriel replied to the topic Using LSP to help professionals find and work on their personal brands in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hola Alejandro,
Great initiative! Although I didn’t call it brand, I designed quite few workshops that focused on personal identity. I saw it more as a piece of a greater puzzle. What makes an organization, is a collection of teams, and what constitutes a team, is a collection of individuals. So designed a workshop I would offer to e…[Read more]
Alejandro Cabral started the topic Using LSP to help professionals find and work on their personal brands in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hi everyone,
I’m a brand new LSP facilitator, marveled still by what I learned a few weeks ago with Lucio Margulis. My head has been spinning since then with the possibilities. The applications seem endless!
In any case, I’ve been working with sales and marketing professionals for the past 5 years, and with entrepreneurs off late with a single…[Read more]
Andrew Batchelor replied to the topic How to use LSP to enable teams to collaborate effectively in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
I think that with only 2 hours, you can just scratch the surface of how the team might come together around a common goal. Exercises like the duck and tower or bridge can be used for skill building, as well as to illustrate the differences in approaches and styles. You could then have them build a model of the ideal workplace by first creating the…[Read more]
Francine Masson replied to the topic How to use LSP to enable teams to collaborate effectively in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hello Danny,
I’m Francine from Montréal, Canada.
The suggestions from some members of this forum helped me very much.I had success in a 45min demo workshop last May, where we found solutions for an SME presenting environmental challenges! Stressful but rewarding after all :)
I have also experienced with LSP at team building workshop with…[Read more] -
Danny Williams started the topic How to use LSP to enable teams to collaborate effectively in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hi All,
I have been asked to run a workshop with the goal of helping differing teams to collaborate so that they can work as a single cohesive unit? Is this possible within the bounds of Lego Serious Play? Also we are likely to have only a couple of hours for this workshop!
The workshop I have been asked to run will be part of a longer 2-day…[Read more]
Manuel Grassler replied to the topic Full Day 150 People Problem Solving Workshop- Ideas needed in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hey all,
Thanks for your replies.
I totally agree with all of you. Clear objectives are key in that regard. Well I am not quite there yet as right now I just had a phone call with an event agency who want to present to the client the approach. So right now I personally believe that they want to work LSP as an experience factor and have no clue…[Read more] - Load More