Lego bricks have been considered perfect gifts when you contemplate to give them out to a 3-to-12-year-something olds. However, as a Lego Serious Play facilitator your wish to present something associated with Lego to a bit older person might seem childish. It depends obviously what your aims are – childish is sometimes good. For that reason let me dig into the subject of discussing something to hand to your business partners when you would like to leave an impression.

If you plan to sell your ideas with a short LSP session then it might be a good idea to use one of the small kits to use them as a tool to facilitate a short intro session with your participants and leave it with them to use. This is where the Window Exploration Bag becomes handy, but as suggested by David Gauntlett – also other small kits could be very adequate.

Lego Red Brick Keychain

Lego Red Brick Keychain

But what about memorabilia to those with whom you do not have the chance to work on an actual LSP session?

I remember that when we were visiting Lego Serious Players’ mother ship in Billund we got to go to Billund Lego store to stock up our facilities for different types of Lego merchandise. One of the first things Jacquie suggested us to buy in bulk was a bunch of Lego Red Brick Key Chains. As a follow up to an earlier post you may suggest your business associates how to use those keys in your office or at home.

Jacquie also suggested to use different minifigures to see if your potential clients could associate themselves with simple businesspeople, powerful CEOs or even the Superheros in their company, or whether they are just friendly elves who try to get things done.


There are also other fun alternatives out there, which include:

All these items can be easy to carry along and easy to simply hand as welcome gifts to your potential business partners. Finally – if you like to be thorough then you may Lego gift wrap your gifts nicely and in style.

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