LSP window bag pile

Lego Window Exploration Bag – art.2000409

LSP connections kit

Connection Kit – art. 2000431

LSP identity and landscape kit

Identity and Landscape Kit – art. 2000430

LSP starter kit

Starter Kit – art. 2000414

Starting from today you can directly order all four LSP kits directly via LEGO Online Shop:
– Lego Serious Play Set of 100 Exploration Bags (2000409)
– Lego Serious Play Starter Kit (2000414)
– Lego Serious Play Identity and Landscape Kit (2000430)
– and Lego Serious Play Connections Kit (2000431).

This is first piloted in USA and Canada. Many countries can still order via phone: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, United Kingdom. However, if you are from one of the other countries then you have still the chance to order by combining the other kits or finding replacements through website.

  1. Pete Smith 11 years ago

    I am not one of the lucky ones. I live in South Africa.
    What I do to order LEGO SERIOUS PLAY kits is order from LEGO Direct in the UK. They deliver to a friend in the UK who then couriers the goods to me. And yes, it’s more expensive, but it works.

  2. Pete Smith 11 years ago

    Does anyone know why LEGO Online Shop doesn’t service countries like South Africa?

  3. Author
    Marko Rillo 11 years ago

    An important update: it appears that at this stage it is only possible to order the LSP kits to United States and Canada. The others following shortly. Hoping for the news …

  4. Wiro Kuipers 11 years ago

    Ah, too bad there’s still no availability of exploration bags in Europe/the Netherlands. Bummer. Any perspective on availability soon?

  5. Pete Smith 11 years ago

    Wiro, if you think it’s a bummer that exploration bags are not currently available in Europe/Netherlands, try to be loyal to the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology and live in South Africa. I paid to be trained as a facilitator and then find I’m not able to order stock other than by making my own arrangements like rerouting the stock at my own expense, or adding to the stock I have other pieces of LEGO and other items I feel are relevant.
    With whom do I take up this matter? As LEGO SERIOUS PLAY expands internationally it will become a bigger stumbling block. Does no one else in the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY community think this unequal treatment is unfair?

  6. Per Kristiansen 11 years ago

    Hi quick note: The exploration bags will be back in Europe in January. The Starter Kit and Connections kit are available, but Europeans have to call in as before (the webshop is being trialled in the US). There was a mistake in the packaging of the Identity & Landscape kit, hence the delays

    A more official post, so to speak, will follow

    Pete, we are working hard on getting the distriution more global, it has little to do with LSP, but the general set up of selling and distributing globally

  7. Robert Rasmussen 11 years ago

    Some of you might by now have bought the long awaited Connections Kit that has been out of stock for a LONG time. When I received mine I was also curious to see, how much it would differ from the previous one. I knew there would be a difference, because several of the pieces are no longer produced by LEGO.

    The content of the new kit is fine, but prepare yourself for the a bit of sorting. LEGO pieces are packaged in a number of smaller bags. In the box you will also find three sorting trays. When you see how the pieces are assembled in the different small bags, you will wonder if there is a logic to this and how this logic can help you sort the pieces.

    Stop wondering. There is NO LOGIC – you will have to find your own! This is what can happen in the LEGO packaging department, when no-one has any idea about how the product is used.

    Here is one piece of input/help that can save you some time – especially if you are new to using the Connection Kit.

  8. I tried to order sets from Belgium. It’s been a very disappointing experience. The phone numbers mentioned on the site don’t function out of Belgium. I get no replies on emails.

    I then ordered on the US site, and wanted to get the sets via I thought that was the way to do it until my order was cancelled because I used an intermediary shipping service. Here’s the reply I got:


    Merci pour votre commande. Dans le but de protéger l’information personnelle de nos consommateurs, LEGO Systems, Inc. a décidé de ne plus expédier de commandes aux fournisseurs tiers d’expédition.

    Nous avons annulé votre commande car nous ne pouvons expédier à un fournisseur tiers d’expédition.

    Nous nous excusons pour tout inconvénient. Si vous désirez soumettre une autre commande ou discuter de cette commande avec nous, vous pouvez nous rejoindre à partir du Québec au 1-800-267-5346, Nous heures d’ouverture sont du Lundi au vendredi de 8 :30-16 :30. Veuillez avoir votre numéro de commande avec vous lors de votre appel.

    LEGO Systems, Inc.
    Services aux consommateurs LEGO direct

  9. Erwin Verweij 11 years ago

    Does anyone have an update as to when it will be available in the Netherlands? Still waiting for over an year now. Not funny anymore

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