• Thank you for this feature, very cool!

  • Essere certificati non è necessario, ma solo consigliato. Un facilitatore certificato ha un’etica e una professionalità che emergono alla lunga. Essere certificati non implica che si è buoni facilitatori tout-court. Non credo serva un ordine né tanto meno un’autorità garante. Credo che debba essere il “mercato” (inteso come competizione tra migl…[Read more]

  • Essere certificati non è necessario, ma solo consigliato. Un facilitatore certificato ha un’etica e una professionalità che emerge alla lunga. Essere certificati non implica che si è buoni facilitatori tout-court. Non credo serva un ordine né tanto meno un’autorità garante. Credo che debba essere il “mercato” (inteso come competizione tra migl…[Read more]

  • Buongiorno a tutti,
    ho qualche domanda sul Facilitatore LSP :
    -Chi tutela la professionalità del facilitatore certificato LSP?
    -E’ necessario essere certificati per insegnare/facilitare il metodo LSP?
    -Quali sono le organizzazioni che certificano e da chi sono riconosciute?
    Da ultimo arrivato ho la sensazione che LSP sia maturo per una sorta di…[Read more]

  • Hi Luc,

    The good news is you’re getting meetings, you’re doing demo’s and they are understanding and seeing value in the method… up to a point.

    From what you said the real problem is taking that next step and showing how it can solve major strategic issues. If you can show that, then the other issue of the method being perceived as a toy…[Read more]

  • Balint, I think we all understand the challenge; we have all met people who are shortsighted and don’t want to invest. Believe me, Eastern Europe does not have a monopoly on shortsightedness. Wall Street in New York has proven time and again that it cannot see beyond the end of its next 3-month nose. So these are the people whose careers are going…[Read more]

  • Hello everybody, for the Italian residents (and speakers…), Trivioquadrivio – LSP certified partner since 2003, with a significant LSP experience in all business industries and awarded as “Partner of the Year”

  • Luc, I find terms like C-level quite confusing; still here’s a list of CAPRESE LSP references, where senior management have been involved (I’ll leave it to you to decide whether VP R&D EMEA in Honeywell ACS who reports to an Executive VP is senior or junior to VP R&D Aerolia who reports directly to a…[Read more]

  • I haven’t done any LSP workshops (certified in dec ’14), so I cannot refer to those… Numbers can help, but I would already be grateful to have one or couple business cases in which C-level decision makers used the method successfully to decide on strategic topics.

  • I haven’t done any LSP workshops (certified in dec ’14), si I cannot refer to those. Numbers can help, but I would already be grateful to have one or couple business cases in which C-level decision makers used the method successfully to decide on strategic topics.

  • I cold heartedly agree with Eli, don’t “fall into the numbers trap”. The way I work around this is by bringing up all the workshops I have conducted in the past, with or without LSP. LSP is a tool, and a great one… but the secret is the facilitator. Also depending on the type of clients you are dealing with, I learned so far that some will catch…[Read more]

  • Eli, I understand what you say and I agree with it 100%, but sadly the market in Eastern Europe ask for exact numbers (most of the time). Thinking in short term, profit maximalization, cutting spending wherever they can, almost 0 imagination, employees don’t matter, 0time for LEGO. It’s crazy… The tendency is getting better. In numbers: 1st year…[Read more]

  • Guys don’t fall into the numbers trap! What about keeping the company in business, rather than going bankrupt? What about creating a context in which products are developed more efficiently? Having a more efficient R & D department might not affect your bottom line in the short term, but may help your organisation to develop products and services…[Read more]

  • Guys don’t fall into the numbers trap! What about keeping the company in business, rather than going bankrupt? What about creating a context in which products are developed more efficiently? Having a more efficient R & D department might not affect your bottom line in the short term, but may help your organisation to develop products and services…[Read more]

  • Dear Luc!

    I have the same problem time to time. What worked for me so far:

    1. I always bring some pictures about a network, product development, where they can see the connections between the assets/ parts. What especially works is if you put these models onto a Business Model Canvas. Normally they know that, they see tons of connections (aka…[Read more]

  • Dear colleagues,

    The past 3 months I have been promoting LSP to my customers and prospects via meetings and 1 hour demo-workshops. I had some success, but not as much as I would have liked.

    The feedback I receive most of the time is that

    – they are interested and understand how the methodology could improve team building, but
    – they don’t s…[Read more]

  • See the video clip of “Heads, Hands and Hearts” – a description of Oxford Strategic Leadership Programme, where Swiss National Science Foundation Professor of

  • Thanks Michael. Very useful

  • ThumbnailThis is the first in a series of posts focusing on case studies and companies that have used LEGO Serious Play to help solve real challenges they were facing.
    The Brief
    First up is a case study from 2014 that

  • Hello everyone! I’m new in this LSP-community. I had my LEGO SERIOUS PLAY-training in november 2014. Took me some time to get started but now that I’m, I’m going full steam ahead. Had two very intens LSP-sessions already – one for my own start-up with some freelancers I want to work with and one within the government I work for – and I have 3…[Read more]

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