Balint started the topic weDo 2.0 and LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Maybe a bit OFF topic, but yesterday I had an idea, rather a thought. Not long ago LEGO Education brought out weDo 2.0, which is a programable brick + motor + 2 sensor… for ~8 years old kids. It’s mostly for school education. :)
LINK: https://education.lego.com/en-us/lesi/elementary/wedo-2
My idea/ question is: Is it possible to mix this…[Read more]
Balint replied to the topic Start up development and LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 1 month ago
Beside what Eli’s wrote, I also make “matchmaking” events. Startups can meet, practice 1minute pitch, share problems…etc.
Balint replied to the topic Air travel with Identity + Connections Kit in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 10 months ago
My solution was: select out few bricks (pencil cup/ unused parts: overall 2trays). I bought this “grandma trolley” + some boxes. Connect them with a hook. This package was below the limit: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8tefqzsmunebzwd/2015-03-16%2018.06.55.jpg?dl=0
On the airport I used this plastic foil what they provide. Worked for me, but depends.…[Read more]
Balint replied to the topic Selling LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 11 months ago
Eli, I understand what you say and I agree with it 100%, but sadly the market in Eastern Europe ask for exact numbers (most of the time). Thinking in short term, profit maximalization, cutting spending wherever they can, almost 0 imagination, employees don’t matter, 0time for LEGO. It’s crazy… The tendency is getting better. In numbers: 1st year…[Read more]
Balint replied to the topic Selling LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 11 months ago
Dear Luc!
I have the same problem time to time. What worked for me so far:
1. I always bring some pictures about a network, product development, where they can see the connections between the assets/ parts. What especially works is if you put these models onto a Business Model Canvas. Normally they know that, they see tons of connections (aka…[Read more]
Balint replied to the topic Anyone using Connections set 2000413? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Hi! Have you tried bricklink.com ? You can find basically everything there. Which part btw?
Balint replied to the topic LSP workshop for sector specialization strategy in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Hi Gabriel,
Suggestion of Bruce worked me just fine. Few weeks ago I was in similar situation like You, just different topic. My client reduced the time from 6 to less than 3hours, which was clearly not enough. What I did was kind of a show-off, I pointed out during the workshop what a longer facilitation can do, and why it would be…[Read more]
Balint replied to the topic Duplo or No Duplo, that is the Question … in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Hello Alan!
To be honest, I’m also not a fan of Duplo bricks. I was thinking the same, but users proove me wrong time to time. Although there are few ones like you described, most of them are using the animals/ bricks quite often and for complex models too. The animals/ windows are quite useful, so I will keep them in the set.
My thoughts was to…[
Balint replied to the topic Lego Serious Play for research? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
I’ve studied environmental science, but I think it really depends which area of science.
My personal opinion is that: in e.science LSP can be useful for developing measurement strategy or research strategy, or to “model” the possible outcomes. Sadly I have never seen a e.research where LSP was used.
Balint replied to the topic Practical Concern: how to keep your sets organized in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
@Eli: ah, ok, i get it now :) I’m quite sure you can use the sets multiple times if u want. There are only rules about the name and logo (beside LSP training docs/rules), I couldn’t find any other legal doc on TLG/LSP sites. To be honest I don’t understand why was it obligatory before to buy new sets every time.…[Read more]
Balint replied to the topic Practical Concern: how to keep your sets organized in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
@Jan: I have similar problems time to time. It also depends on the type of workshop you are facilitating and the sets you are using. So far my solutions:
1. sorting head: http://www.target.com/p/lego-sort-and-store-storage-bin-head/-/A-13718711
Collect left over bricks, sort out at home.2. plastic bag + table: I always ask participants not to…[Read more]
Balint replied to the topic LSP for urban design and architecture in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
@Marko – Yes, that’s the set. Book is quite interesting and have some nice ideas as well.
@Sebastian – according to my experiences for urban planning, building modelling (ideation) you might need more exact structures, less metaphors. The 21050 AS offers a more specific brickset, but it’s not about 1:1 models, not like other architecture sets.…[Read more]
Balint replied to the topic LSP for urban design and architecture in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Have you ever used the Architecture (21050) set for LSP? I have the idea to extend it with some bricks from Identity kit, and somehow specify it for architectural needs…