A video showcasing the use of LEGO to promote critical thinking has proven an unexpected viral hit for an academic at the University of Chichester Business School. Principal lecturer Dr Andy Clegg posted a short video showing him discussing the use of LEGO on the department’s Facebook page, which has now reached more than 13,500 people.

Principal lecturer Dr Andy Clegg posted a short video showing him discussing the use of LEGO on the department’s Facebook page, which has now reached more than 13,500 people.

Dr Clegg, a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy, is a proponent of play in Higher Education, and uses LEGO to enhance student creativity and critical thinking.

He said: “LEGO is a fantastic medium to help students build models reflecting their own thoughts, reflections and ideas.

“The video posted summaries how LEGO was used to help them understand the basic elements of sustainability.

“Everybody has played with Lego and it is great way to get students working collaboratively together which they really enjoy.

“The use of Lego is very a visual, auditory and textual process where business issues can be discussed through story-making, and playing out various possible scenarios – a process which deepens understanding, sharpens insight, and socially bonds together the group as it plays together.”

First developed in the mid 1990s, LEGO Serious Play is now an established methodology not only used in Higher Education but increasingly by businesses to facilitate problem-solving and strategic planning. The use of Lego also reflects the innovative and experiential approach to learning and teaching in the University of Chichester Business School.

Dr Clegg said: “We adopt an innovative and hands-on approach to learning and teaching based around delivery to small groups and we tend to avoid large lectures – our focus is very much on student engagement and partnership learning.”

Read more at: http://www.chichester.co.uk/news/lego-video-by-chichester-lecturer-goes-viral-1-7843565


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