Gabriel started the topic Desperately Looking for Starter Kits – Ship to Canada in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 2 years ago
Hello friends,
I have a LSP workshop in three weeks (needs to arrive in Canadian location by Monday May 22), and am desperately looking for 12 stater kits. They are backordered in Canada and US. So I was wondering if anyone has any they are willing to depart from. Please advise and we can take it off line for details.
Thank you so kindly
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 3 years ago
Wall Street Journal run an article: “Why More Companies Are Putting Lego Bricks in the Office” in their recent issue. In this article, Daryl Austin wrote about how LEGO bricks help companies with creativity,
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 3 years ago
Jaap de Goede has written a witty article about his experience with LEGO Serious Play workshop on the website of SAGANET – the Serious Games Professionals Network in the Netherlands. He describes the experience
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 3 years ago
WMAR-2 News in Baltimore has reported about how Loretta Veney has helped her mother with LEGO Serious Play and is expanding its use for other patients with dementia.
Here is the full link to the original news
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 4 years ago
Vasilis Gkogkidis (University of Sussex) and Nicholas Dacre (University of Southampton; University of Warwick) wrote a research paper about Lego Serious Play and gamification teaching and learning in the most
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 4 years ago
Pau Sendra-Ponsa, Norat Roig-Tiernob and Alicia Mas-Turc from University of Valencia wrote this short research paper on this subject above. The abstract of the paper (pdf) may be downloaded using the link
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 5 years ago
Jorge Huertas has recently recorded and shared this short video about the use of LEGO Serious Play methodology in design thinking process. Audio is a slightly difficult to follow because English language does not
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 5 years ago
Angela Koch and Darwin Antipolo have delivered a lovely webinar on LEGO Serious Play and co-creation. See the full recording here:
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 5 years ago
Many thanks to Mireia Montané-Balagué, Professor at the EADA Business School in Barcelona who translated the book Serious Work to Spanish language. Serious Work book is now available in three languages via A
Marko Rillo replied to the topic Slack Channel in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
The latest active invite link for Slack channel is here: https://join.slack.com/t/seriousplaypro/shared_invite/zt-6i2wwhoz-XzaHMSFnZIkK7mxfT5sgSw
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 5 years ago
Presentation at the LSP Connect event on 23 June 2020 on the future scenario building
Either download the slides directly here (PDF, 5MB). Or view them via Slideshare.net:
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 5 years ago
If you wish to ask any questions about LEGO Serious Play methodology then the fastest ways are to either register here at the SeriousPlayPro.com/register and post your question in the discussion forum or enter
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 5 years ago
Mary Poffenroth wrote this article at Forbes today suggesting LEGO Serious Play for virtual meetings
Sure, in-person offices are mostly on hold right now, but that doesn’t mean we all get to take a break on b
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 5 years ago
Sean Blair just published his second book on facilitating with LEGO Serious Play, which is targeted towards somewhat more experienced facilitators. The title of the book is: Mastering the LEGO Serious Play
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 5 years ago
Johan Roos and Victor Nilsson have just published a survey based academic article that is probably of interest to many LEGO Serious Play facililitators because they recently got in touch with many of us asking
Marko Rillo replied to the topic Masterclass on LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 5 years ago
Hello Madalina. What do you mean by “masterclass”? I understand based on your profile that you have already attended a LSP facilitator training session in March 2018. Would you like to refresh your knowledge, learn some particular aspects of the LSP or work with somebody more experienced? Anyway – I would be also happy to invite you to one of my…[Read more]
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 5 years ago
Chrissi Nerantzi and Alison James wrote this booklet on “LEGO® for university learning: Inspiring academic practice in higher education”
This booklet is available as an open source guidebook that you can
Gabriel replied to the topic How to use LSP to enable teams to collaborate effectively in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hi Danny,
I think Francine’s ideas are great.
A few years ago I had to design and facilitate a worksop to help a tech startup better collaborate after being acquired by a tech giant. The CEO’s main concern at the time was seeing an increasing level of silo mentality. So the workshop focused on two main elements trust and collaboration in an agi…[Read more]
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 6 years ago
This very useful material was prepared by Lorenzo Cantoni, Marco Faré and Elisabetta Frick of Università della Svizzera italiana (University of Lugano, Switzerland) in May 2011 and it was uploaded to the w
Gabriel replied to the topic Using LSP to help professionals find and work on their personal brands in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
Hola Alejandro,
Great initiative! Although I didn’t call it brand, I designed quite few workshops that focused on personal identity. I saw it more as a piece of a greater puzzle. What makes an organization, is a collection of teams, and what constitutes a team, is a collection of individuals. So designed a workshop I would offer to e…[Read more]
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