Ed Chester replied to the topic Introduction exercise in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Yannick – if this is a multicultural group from “around the world” that don’t already know each other, then I wouldn’t consider using LSP in such a short time as 30 minutes. I believe it will be inevitably shallow, and potentially embarrassing, and undermine the value of the great work you could do if you were given adequate time.
However, if you…[
Yannick Le Morvan replied to the topic Introduction exercise in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Alison hi,
Thank you for sharing your thought.
I’m going to have 25 peoples directors or managers, from production, sales, products management from all around the world.
I have been given 90 min split in 3 times, I dislike the idea but I need to kick off and need to give an awareness to the board of Directors & Managers so, then I can run as…[Read more] -
Dr Abeer Pharaon started the topic LSP Facilitators -Linkedin group LSP community in the Arab region in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
To all LSP facilitators out there in the Arab world, this group is for you, Please help us to form a community together.
Thank you
Dr Abeer Pharaon -
Gonzalo Sirgo replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Hi Eli,
Thank you for the response, I think I understood (refreshed) the concept. The practical application of it is difficult, also in the health field. In any case, I firmly believe in the LSP methodology. I will continue to deepen it.
Gonzalo Sirgo
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Hi Gonzalo,
I think I understand perhaps part of your problem. Many clients see LSP as a fun thing to do that facilitates a discussion about work in a fun way and supports team-building. I don’t know whether it is through simplistic journalistic coverage or practitioners elevators pitches, but clients often think that, if they need help developing…[Read more] -
Gonzalo Sirgo replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Hello Eli, thank you for your quick response. Indeed, I have completed the full training course as a facilitator (Barcelona, October 2017. L. Margulis). It just happens that it was more than a year ago. During all this time I have focused on the construction of identity and teamwork. It also happens that actions that are not worked fre…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Hi Gonzalo,
Originally, LSP was a strategy development tool and Simple Guiding Principles (SGPs) were some of if not THE core outputs of the process.
Uncovering and building SGPs used to be part of the standard facilitator training. In 4 days we covered everything. But in those days, the assumption was that the participants were already…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Hi Gonzalo,
Originally, LSP was a strategy development tool and Simple Guiding Principles (SGPs) were some of if not THE core outputs of the process.
Uncovering and building SGPs used to be part of the standard facilitator training. In 4 days we covered everything. But in those days, the assumption was that the participants were already…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Hi Gonzalo,
Originally, LSP was a strategy development tool and Simple Guiding Principles (SGPs) were some of if not THE core outputs of the process.
Uncovering and building SGPs used to be part of the standard facilitator training. In 4 days we covered everything. But in those days, the assumption was that the participants were already…[Read more]
Gonzalo Sirgo started the topic Simple Guiding Principles in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 3 months ago
Hello everyone, I have been working with the LSP methodology for a year. Until now I had not held strategy workshops. On the other hand, when I study cases of other professionals I see that everyone talks about the SGPs, but nobody specifies the methodology that they use. I mean, when the system has been created, how do you work on what happened…[Read more]
Pere Juarez started the topic Synectics Learning using LEG® Serious Play®: The Creative Power of Collaboration in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Synectics Learning using LEGO® Serious Play® Experience from UB University of Barcelona
“If we are to perceive all the implications of the new, we must risk, at least temporarily, ambiguity and is order.” William J.J. Gordon
Synectics is an i…[Read more]
Ben Mizen started the topic UK Based Day Conference – 30th March 2019 in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Save the date for LEARN – ENGAGE – PLAY Conference – 10am – 4pm, Saturday 30th March, 2019, University of Winchester.
Playfully pushing the boundaries of learning and development in education and business.
A day conference for practitioners, facilitators and enthusiasts of LEGO®-based learning and the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and materials. Th…[Read more] -
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Pricing in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Hi Monica,
Could I suggest a different approach to your question. In my experience, 4 hours is the absolute minimum required to achieve any semblance of shared understanding/agreement on a given subject. Most companies require multiple workshops of variable duration of 1 or 2 days in order to achieve a sustainable impact.
So, if you just want to…[
Monica Kerik replied to the topic Pricing in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
How much would you pay a trained facilitator for helping out in a 4 hour workshop. He’ll manage a table of 10 participants.
How much would you charge a client for designing and facilitating a 4 hour workshop.
Do you include the lego sets within the price above or do you price them separately?
Thank you so much 😊 Any help is welcome &…[Read more]
Lennie Noiles replied to the topic Pricing in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
What type of help do you need?
Lennie Noiles replied to the topic Building Trust Using LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
I am often asked to work with teams that have a lack of trust, both as a coach and a LSP facilitator. What I have found is, unless trust has been broken, what appears to be a trust issue is usually a communication issue. Team members don’t really know their teammates. The best way to get to know someone else is to be in dialogue with them.…[Read more] -
Scott Knutson started the topic Building Trust Using LSP in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Good Morning/Afternoon Everyone –
I am a newly minted LEGO(R) Serious Play(R) method facilitator, and I have been asked to use LSP for a team struggling with trust issues among team members. I’ve been searching for some examples of exercises using LSP and trust, but haven’t had much luck, so I thought I’d reach out here ask: has anyone ever used…[Read more]
Wiro Kuipers replied to the topic LEGO Serious Play Starter Kit to borrow in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Dear Francesca, we are running a similar service in The Netherlands, where kids with a challenge (usually something alike autism) sort and deliver kits. We could deliver in Germany, but also at the location in The Netherlands. Anything you like. Just like Christoph we lease out anything (starter / L&I / connections / baseplates) and we sell…[Read more]
Christoph Köpernick replied to the topic LEGO Serious Play Starter Kit to borrow in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
Hi Francesca, I’m running a rental service for LSP materials (www.leansp.com) in the EU. We usually lend trolleys with the Identity and Landscape Kit as well as the Connections Kit. We sell Window Exploration Bags individually for skillsbuilding and we do have Starter Kits. I’m happy to help. Let’s get in touch. Christoph
francesca started the topic LEGO Serious Play Starter Kit to borrow in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 4 months ago
My name is Francesca and I am organizing a technology forum in the Netherlands on November, 12-13 and during a 1-1.5 h brainstorming session I would like to use 4-5 Starter Kits.
Unfortunately, they are sold out in Europe and cannot be shipped by US directly.Is there anyone who could lend me the 4-5 Kits?
If you have the possibility to…[Read more] - Load More