i’ve done many sessions with 150 pp, 100 pls, and 120 ppl.
If you have tables of 6, people will breeze through the builds and shares.
You can easily do skillbuilding that is meaningful.
I’ll do a tower, then 30 sec per person share
then mod tower to represent something to do withthe city the meeting is taking place with or where they are from 45 secs each to share
then ask them to build a model of ___something related to their role/industry_____(you figure this out) and then after the table share, i give them 10 mins to share with as many ppl they can meet in the room (OMG people love this) you can see a clip from one of my recent sessions of this part here:
then after that, i do ‘explain this’ as people looooove that one
in between all of them i teach them a bit of the research/science etc.