Marko Rillo wrote a new post 10 years ago
Wonderfull design and facilitation lab in Moscow has created a wonderful set of Lego Serious Play cards that you can use during facilitation sessions.Wonderfull card package includes a set of 25 cards in
Per Kristiansen replied to the topic A question for the LSP Practitioners and Professionals in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Dear Alexander
The short answer would be that the sets are costly but not expensive. The kits, in particular, the connections kit contain a lot of special elements that are expensive to produce. Historically, LEGO has kept the same margin on the LSP products as on any. In periods it has even been lower, but I believe that it has been adjust to…[Read more]
Marko Rillo wrote a new post 10 years ago
Bernie DeKoven (@BernieDeKoven) has written a great post about a fun tasked called Toilet Paper Tug of War.
As its name so eponymously explicates, it is a game of tug of war in which instead of a rope, the
Massimo Mercuri replied to the topic Techiche e metodi (di F. Faraco) in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years ago
Io non credo negli ice-breakers, a meno che servano a qualche cosa.
E non uso gli starter kits a meno che sia perché voglio pubblicizzare il metodo in se. ed a volte lo faccio, soprettutto se é la prima volta in una nuova organizzazione, ed i giocatori sono “influencers”.
Comunque, con qualsiasi insieme di mattoncini vari, mi piace aprire s…[Read more] -
Marko Rillo replied to the topic Dedicated LSP and BMC forum? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Patrizia – there are 46 current members of our community who claim to be proficient to facilitate in Italian language: http://seriousplaypro.com/members/?s=Italian.
Let us try to see if they would be willing to join the discussions and see how to best take it from there. :)
Patrizia Bertini replied to the topic Dedicated LSP and BMC forum? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
I agree with you Marko!
I think that more than marketing and taking care for their business, the community is a learning opportunity – there are more applications, case studies, experiences involving LSP and those who miss the updates, also miss the opportunity to keep up to date with the trends and can miss opportunities.
If language is a…[Read more]
Patrizia Bertini replied to the topic Techiche e metodi (di F. Faraco) in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years ago
Ciao Fabrizio!
Io non uso mai il riscaldamento con le istruzioni.
In genere mi vangono date 4 ore, quindi devo ridurre e ottimizzare.
In genere uso la torre avanzata, what is this, what is this/promozione, storytelling con il nightmare/dream.Un altro motivo per cui evito in genere, è la trasporabilità: mi porto solo la mega valigia con l…[Read more]
Patrizia Bertini started the topic Techiche e metodi (di F. Faraco) in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years ago
Fabrizio Faraco ha scritto:
“Sono un nuovo facilitatore. Avrei una domanda da porvi relativamente alla fase di warm up dei workshop. Mi piacerebbe sapere se usate sempre il modello con istruzioni e il modello con istruzioni modificato oppure passate dal rompighiaccio (torre/ponte/papero) ad uno sempre di riscaldamento ma più on-topic (tipo il…[Read more]
Marko Rillo replied to the topic Dedicated LSP and BMC forum? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Patrizia and Eli – thanks for your points. It is a healthy debate to see how much should we keep the discussions in the centre and how much should be localised. A couple of additional points.
First of all. Provided that there is so far no topic interest for dedicated Lego Serious Play and Business Model Canvas forum, let us concentrate those…[Read more]
Patrizia Bertini replied to the topic Conosciamoci! in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years ago
Per favore NON usate i commenti per rispondere, perché’ i messaggi si perdono e non vengono messi in relazione al topic.
Scrivete nel box REPLY To: cosi creiamo una discussione facile da seguire… -
Patrizia Bertini replied to the topic Dedicated LSP and BMC forum? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Local communities seem less active than the big forum.
but I think the role of the moderator is to bring any relevant issue or interesting question that emerges into the local communities to the attention of the community at large. (so that non speakers of the other languages don’t have to get a crush course in French/Spanish/Italian and we are…[Read more] -
Patrizia Bertini replied to the topic Dedicated LSP and BMC forum? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
I really thought that the role of the moderator was exactly to link local communities to the international one, share the community collective knowledge, and act as a bridge and connector between local and international experiences… What’s the point of the moderator otherwise?… -
Patrizia Bertini replied to the topic Dedicated LSP and BMC forum? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
I agree with your points about both concerns Canvas and language related groups.
I think that for the BMC it could be useful if we’d start using tags appropriately.
If participants would also take the time to use Tags, it would facilitate to keep all different applications and uses in the same main forum, but at the same time, it would make…[Read more] -
Patrizia Bertini started the topic Uso del forum in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years ago
Benvenuti nel forum SeriousPlayPro in Italiano!
Il forum è libero, chiunque può postare e rispondere.
L’obiettivo è creare uno spazio in cui confrontarsi in Italiano all’interno della community internazionale e cercare di mantenere unita la community ispirare e farsi ispirare dai membri e dalle esperienze.
Per postare un nuovo topic, cl…[Read more]
Patrizia Bertini started the topic Uso del forum in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years ago
Benvenuti nel forum SeriousPlayPro in Italiano!
Il forum è libero, chiunque può postare e rispondere.
L’obiettivo è creare uno spazio in cui confrontarsi in Italiano all’interno della community internazionale e cercare di mantenere unita la community ispirare e farsi ispirare dai membri e dalle esperienze.
Per rispondere ad un post, questo il…[Read more]
Patrizia Bertini started the topic Uso del forum in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years ago
Sembra che il forum sia silente, ma non e’ tutto oro quello che luccica…
Infatti per rispondere ad un post, il process corretto sarebbe:
Cliccare su Forum > Topic > Selezionare il post a cui si vuole rispondere > postare la risposta al topic dal form sotto il post.I commenti appaiono invece sulla home, ma non sono connessi al topic, in questo…[Read more]
Marko Rillo started the topic Dedicated LSP and BCM forum? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
Dear all,
Serious Play Pro community member @Macrina suggested to open a separate group for those who are interested in discussing the connections between Lego Serious Play and Business Model Canvas. Please let me know how many of you would be interested in a dedicated channel. If there is enough interest then I am happy to open a separate…[Read more]
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Fabrizio, mi sono permessa di postare il tuo commento come topic. Per postare nuovi topic si deve cliccare su Forum http://seriousplaypro.com/groups/lego-serious-play-in-italiano/forum/ e non dalla home :)