• Under the rubric FUTURE OF WORK Fast Company recently published an article about the specifics of managing multicultural teams. It is a short read and, although not by name, also touches the Lego Serious Play me

  • do not underestimate the power of LSP combined with the teachings from Master Per !

  • The customer was really worried that the old and new suppliers would not be capable to collaborate. The project manager had the good sense to ask for a workshop at the very beginning, even before the two suppliers

  • Massimo – very interesting! Thank you for sharing such a rich case study. Can you please elaborate – what was the original client brief when they invited you and chose LSP as a tool. Were they looking specifically

  • The air feels quite stiff when I enter the room. Fifteen people are sitting around a U shaped table arrangement: the old supplier, the customer, and the new supplier. The customer team is the only party managing

  • Manuel – no I don’t. You might want to get in touch with LEGO Education close to your area and ask them.

  • Trivioquadrivio designed and held a series of facilitation workshops aimed at managers of a large mass retail multinational corporation. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology has been used to kickstart discussions and t

  • Peter Poeck (Solution Manager, Cegeka) wrote on ADM website the following post.

    Houses, cars, trains, castles, dragons,… I’ve built them all! I’ve built my own dreamworld during my childhood and I loved it! T

  • Hola @Luisbeto.Aguirre encontré tu respuesta a éste foro “LSP and Urban Planning Process”, soy facilitador LSP y trabajo en temas de planificación y ordenamiento, podemos entrar en contacto?, saludos!

    • Giovanni, un gusto.
      Tengo la poca costumbre de revisar mis mensajes por aquí, colaboro en LTU (www.ltugdl.com) despacho de arquitectura y urbanismo de Guadalajara (México).
      Espero podamos tener comunicación por aquí, un saludo.

  • Originally from: Business Standard

    Lego, the world-famous toy brick-maker, has just advertised for 20 vacancies for the enviable task of making a variety of life-size structures from its famous bricks. In case

  • Stanford Women in Tech Alumni at Stanford University Business School is organizing series of events on LEGO SERIOUS PLAY.

    Let’s Play Fair & Learn | An Introduction to LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

    Did you enjoy p

  • This post was originally published on Excella Consulting blog page. Written by Trent Hone. Reposted with the kind permission of Janelle Ducott

    Here at Excella, our Agile Coaching Circle meets monthly to give us

  • Trivioquadrivio recently held a Lego® Serious Play® session for the Italian branch of a leading international publisher in science and medicine. The workshop was targeted at 30 people belonging to two different bu

  • Guy! Many thanks for this thorough and informative text regarding bricks – very helpful for many community members!

  • Hi Hugues,
    I have been involved as an LSP facilitator with startups a few times.

    Business modelling is of course a major issue, but in my experience so is product definition. Beyond the obvious agreement on superficial aspects, team members tend to have even wildly differing notions as to the hows and whys of the product.

    This usually remains…[Read more]

  • Ben Linders wrote this interesting post on InfoQ website about the combination of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY and Agile.

    People can tell stories and express themselves when trying to solve complex problems using Lego.

  • Jason Little of LeanIntuit wrote an interesting blog post about how to manage a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session remotely. Find out how you can carry out a LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session when participants are 2200 kilometres

  • Video of a large group facilitation from LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session taken place in. Bangalore, India: Joomla Annual World Conference with 260 participants


  • Environmentally conscious buyers have been looking for opportunities to buy second hand LEGO bricks. You may be familiar with the selection of Ebay. Recently also Amazon started selling second hand random LEGO

  • UBQT Solutions from India added the following interesting photos to their website on connecting LEGO SERIOUS PLAY with Design Thinking.

    They wrote: recently, we applied Lego bricks through the Lego Serious

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