• Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself in this first blog post. I’m a Professor of Management and communications at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. In my 40-years of university classroom t

  • I’m happy to start the dialog on using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods for coaching on the SeriousPlay Pro community site and hope to hear from you and how you are using this powerful application.


    LSP prov

  • HELLO!

    When the new editors for the seriousplaypro.com site asked if I would assume responsibility for being the Design Thinking expert and curator of this special topic area, I immediately replied “YES!”. I s

  • Siri Lynn wrote a new post 8 years, 4 months ago

    What you should know about
    Karen Lynch & Siri Lynn


    We’re so happy Jacquie Lloyd Smith and Denise Meyerson, the new editors of the Serious Play Pro website, asked us to be the resident experts on Co

  • Greetings, I would like to introduce myself to the SeriousplayPro community by way of this first blog post. I have been invited by the editors to lead the discussion on the use of LEGO® SERIOS PLAY® methods as a t

  • Hey! I found this beauty :D. It is made by a Mexican company (I’m from Mexico) of tools called truper. It’s inexpensive, has a nice and useful handle, a lock to prevent small parts getting all mixed up when

  • Patrizia Bertini wrote:

    The relationship between business and design has gone through deep changes in the past years. We are assisting at a convergence between business and design lead by the formalisation and

  • Thanks Eli for all your input.


  • Ciao a tutti,
    mi sono certificato a Londra con Robert nel Novembre 2015.
    Ho iniziato ad utilizzare LSP nella facilitazione di gruppi per il problem solving e l’innovazione.
    Sono assolutamente entusiasta, trovo che il metodo “aggiunga una dimensione” ad altri metodi esperienziali che ho utilizzato e utilizzo, soprattutto nello sviluppo delle…[Read more]

  • Hi Gabriel,
    Yes, a pair build is when two individuals build a single construction – a hybrid between individual and shared. You have the basic advantages of negotiation, while still maintaining a certain intimacy/privacy.

    Regarding connections, most participants are already doing it before we get to that formal step, so the answer to the…[Read more]

  • Hi Eli and Sebastian,

    thank you very much for your respective inputs.

    General question to both of you: when you designed your respective workshops, did you at any time mention to your client you were going to use LSP? In other words was was the selling argument? I still struggle with that part. I always use a solutions based approach and end up…[Read more]

  • Hi Gabriel,
    I recently ran a “Team-Building” Workshop for MSC Cruises with Tatiana Gavrilova and Joyce Miller. This was a mandate we got through the seriousplaypro web site, so we will be paying 10% of our fees back to seriousplaypro as a referral fee.

    Personally, I resent being asked to use LSP for “Team-Building”, because I maintain that…[Read more]

  • Hi Gabriel,
    I recently ran a “Team-Building” Workshop for MSC Cruises with Tatiana Gavrilova and Joyce Miller. This was a mandate we got through the seriousplaypro web site, so we will be paying 10% of our fees back to seriousplaypro as a referral fee.

    Personally, I resent being asked to use LSP for “Team-Building”, because I maintain that…[Read more]

  • Hi Gabriel,
    I recently ran a “Team-Building” Workshop for MSC Cruises with Tatiana Gavrilova and Joyce Miller. This was a mandate we got through the seriousplaypro web site, so we will be paying 10% of our fees back to seriousplaypro as a referral fee.

    Personally, I resent being asked to use LSP for “Team-Building”, because I maintain that…[Read more]

  • Hi Gabriel,

    re the Real time Strategy for Teams.. an alternative method to use is the The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. By Patrick Lencioni model.
    Basically the exercise would be:

    LSP Skill building
    Johari Window.. each participant builds:
    1. their own perception of how they behave in a work team…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,

    I need advice on running a Real Time Strategy for Teams.

    I was asked to facilitate a team building workshop composed mainly of 6 to 8 senior executives. The main issue is team dysfunction and lack of trust. The project sponsor would like to get its team to work more together and act as one.

    My questions:
    1) Can the complete…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,

    I need advice on running a Real Time Strategy for Teams.

    I was asked to facilitate a team building workshop composed mainly of 6 to 8 senior executives. The main issue is team dysfunction and lack of trust. The project sponsor would like to get its team to work more together and act as one.

    My questions:
    1) Can the complete…[Read more]

  • Trying the change the point of view using technology!

  • Facilitateurs francophones passionnés par cette méthode, nous nous réunissons une fois par trimestre depuis novembre 2015 à Paris et à partir de fin mai 2016 à Lille, pour échanger sur les applications, best pratices et lessons learned.
    Notre communauté française se veut le trait d’union avec la communauté internationale qui se réunit tous…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone, does anyone have the activity exercise which has a sheet to draw two dimensional view of a set of connected bricks then you ask them to build it using the bricks to show the three dimensional capability of the brain
    really need it please thanks, kindly email to abeer@innovation-culture.com or post here

  • Load More

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