Harvest Project – Case Study

Read, see, and hear,  how Strategic Play Group Ltd. in North America, are using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology and materials to support the work of the charity  board at Harvest Project!

Harvest Project reaches out to individuals and families on Metro-Vancouver’s North Shore who are challenged by family break-down, illness, job loss and poverty. They work to provide client-care coaching and counsel, grocery and clothing support, and emergency drop-in help. They work hard to impact the community by breaking the poverty cycle and restoring people to participate in work school, and a healthier family life.




The Executive Director, Gary Ansell, approached the StrategicPlay® Group Ltd., to work with the Board of Directors. Gary identified that Harvest Project had a fuzzy situation.  The fuzzy problem facing the organization is as complex as the concept of poverty.  How does the face of poverty on the North Shore present today?  How might that emerge or change?  How can Harvest best serve and have the best possible impact? How can Harvest Project prepare for the future?



During 2015, members of the Strategic Play team have provided LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops, Executive Coaching, and Creative Problem Solving using the Basadur challenge mapping approach. We are using highly visual and interactive tools to gain 100% of stakeholder engagement. Specifically, the sessions conducted to date include working to answer the following questions:

  1. Current Situation Analysis:  What is the state of poverty on the North Shore right now?
  2. What is the impact of poverty on the North Shore, right now in real time?
  3. What is our vision for the future?
  4. Who are our clients?  Why do they come?
  5. What do our clients truly need from Harvest Project?
  6. Are we meeting those needs?
  7. What are our goals?
  8. How are we measuring what we are doing?

The board members of Harvest Project have kindly shared their story and video case.  Here is what Gary Ansell, Executive Director, had to say about one of the events.

Intended Impact Statement work done at a board level of a charity appears enormous and daunting within the constraints of a not for profit. It requires that very busy people volunteering their valuable time engage quickly and efficiently in a process where everyone lean in and contribute their story yet simultaneously build one consensual story for the organization. I do not know of a more effective process to give the best chance of achieving this than LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®.”

Gary Ansell, Executive Director, Harvest Project

If you would like to watch the videos that accompany this post, please visit this link at Strategic Play website


Do you want to support the work Harvest Project are doing?  You can contact them directly: www.harvestproject.org

If you are interested in learning more about the work we do at Strategic Play Group Ltd., and our planned giving program, please contact us: info@strategicplay.ca You can also sign up for our newsletter on our home page.

If you would like to be trained to use LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® your organization, please visit our training site: www.strategicplaytraining.com

Thank you for taking an interest in our work. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


 What is Poverty?

Today’s Impact Statement

Future Impact Statement


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