Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic LSP for the classroom in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 9 months ago
It is REALLY EASY to engage people if you are doing things WITH THEM rather than TO them. And general metaphors work great if you allow the participants to reframe them into something personal to the individual or tabletop.
Show someone a Rorschach (inkblot) image and they will see things. Show them a construct from something like a Thematic…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Stop-Motion Videos in a session in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
I got StopMotion for my iPhone and there are others in the App store.
In a conversation Thursday with a high-tech colleague in Mumbai, he popped me two other alternatives (one not apparently available in the US). So there ARE a variety of apps out there that require no additional hardware. And my son-in-law has one on his Android and it was said…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Non-certified facilitators in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
Marko has made outstanding contributions to the organizational and personal development of tens of thousands of people, many directly but also many who have benefited from his “transfer of training” and his expertise and teachings. And his views on this question are most certainly appreciated.
Over the past 30 years, that concept of…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Team Building exercises in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
Please allow me to suggest two alternatives, both complete team building games with powerpoint intro and play and debriefing packaged up into a bundle and one that uses LEGO scenes as communications tools. And, these are designed to be easily integrated with other content, using LEGO and LSP or not. Both are anchored in metaphor and both focus on…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Teambuilding activities for a team of 4 people!? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
I would focus them on a task to improve something, a shared issue. We are playing with the design of a course around this kind of situation, so please allow me to share some ideas. If you want a LOT of details about how to run this, please contact me directly. I am also looking for people who might want to partner more closely on the design of…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Non-certified facilitators in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
Alan and Rodrigo offer great comments. Let me add one more set of ideas:
I am one of those non-certified folks, but I also have 25 years focused exclusively on facilitation and went through the Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF) offering of the International Association of Facilitators and am also a Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) from…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT started the topic Stop-Motion Videos in a session in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 10 months ago
Has anyone tried to use the tools to create a storyline that the workshop participants could capture with one of the smartphone apps to create a stop-motion video to use during the training?
It seems like a pretty straightforward kind of thing to do, and I wonder if people have tried it. If so, any tips or ideas or cautions?
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Duck Workshop in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
Pamela –
GREAT that things went well. And wonderful that you found a lot of information to mix and match to produce the session that you wanted.
What the GROUP might find helpful is an overview of what you actually did in enough detail that they might be able to reproduce key outcomes. Modeling is such a useful endeavor and we would all benefit…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT started the topic Serious Play Conference in US (Virginia, July 2018) (NOT LSP) in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
There is what looks to be an interesting conference on serious game play to be held near Dulles Airport (DC) in July. The program looks interesting and the cost is good and I am thinking of attending.
It might be really neat to gather a sub-group of our LEGO networks to meet up and share ideas and partake in a libation or…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Duck Workshop in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
Years ago, using Tinker Toys, I would read from a list as to how an object was to be constructed, with commands such as,
– take a round, 8-hole wheel and put a 4-inch blue stick into the center hole
– on 4 of the holes in the rim of that wheel, put 2-inch yellow sticks.
– on the other 4 holes in the rim of that wheel, put 1-inch green sticks
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Duck Workshop in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 11 months ago
Are there any anchoring frameworks to the issues of TRUST with this play?
Any ideas as to how to build in some accountability or interpersonal trust between people in play?
If you look globally at exercises and tools, there are only a few things like trust falls and trust walks that seem to be used to demonstrate these behaviors and patterns.
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT posted an update 7 years ago
I use LEGO in various scenes and as metaphors for organizational improvement in various team building games that I develop and sell, focused on involving and engaging people for workplace improvement.
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT posted an update 7 years ago
Marko just gave me “author rights” for the group and I am not sure I am ready for that responsibility. What I HAVE been doing is trying to drive a lot of dialog on the LSP Facebook page. That has gone really well and we’ve added more than a dozen people in the past few days, with lots of conversations. I use LEGO in constructing scenes in my…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT commented on the post, Case Study: Lego Serious Play with 260 Participants 8 years, 6 months ago
This was a nicely facilitated session and it showed some really smart approaches to involving and engaging participants in considering how to position themselves and their teams for making improvements in the