• We offer full suite of Lego Serious Play and Lego Eduction platform services to individuals, associations and companies of all sizes within Sweden.
    We hav now expanded our activities with more experienced consultants so we are able to cater for just your needs.

  • In this video, Pere Juárez Vives, who is a professor of Creativity, Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Universitat de Barcelona, tells a story of combining LEGO Serious Play with Design thinking (in Spanish language)

  • Interesting new website – Thinkon company shows how to put hats on for LEGO Serious Play sessions.

  • We just released a new book! It explores how to apply LEGO® Serious Play® method to practice. It is called: Serious Work. How to Facilitate Meetings & Workshops Using the LEGO® Serious Play® method.

    The jou

  • Irish Examiner featured the following article about LEGO and LEGO Serious Play

    LEGO’s many educational benefits will be highlighted at BrickxFest in Dublin this weekend, says Kate O’Reilly.

    It’s build

  • Sue Beckingham, Senior Lecturer | Educational Developer (TEL) | SFHEA | Researching the Use of Social Media in Higher Education has created interesting slideset on “Using lego serious play and multimedia blogs to

  • LEGO published today their revised Trademark Guidelines for LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. You may download the PDF document here (10 MB): NEW_LEGO_SERIOUS_PLAY_TrademarkGuidelines

    No images of Minifigures nor b

  • The toymaker’s first leader to come from outside the founding family stands down. Published in Financial Times, written by Richard Milne

    Some chief executives rescue a company from the brink of collapse. O

  • Javier de Vicente from Factory4Change has created and uploaded four lovely videos to their Vimeo channel. Check one of those videos below

  • As of next month, internationally-renowned toymaker Lego will be headed up by the first non-Danish CEO, but according to the man who will be taking the reins of the brand, he doesn’t expect this to be an issue.

  • Dear Patricia, Tamara and Bruce,
    You are amazing! I don’t know you, but i love you.

    Thank you very much for your insights and advices.
    This morning, I had the chance to connect with the participant, and had a short talk about handling of LEGO bricks, as well as storytelling/metaphor. He is very cooperative, and very curious how things will…[Read more]

  • From Reuters Newsline and The Hindu

    Danish toymaker Lego is to appoint its first foreign CEO and give its family owners a bigger role in developing the Lego brand under an organisational shake-up that will

  • Now this is quite a challenge for me!
    I am conducting a LSP workshop and one of the participants has one functional hand.
    Anyone has an experience in such situation? Any practical support will be highly appreciated.

  • This article is published in collaboration with The Conversation to World Economic Forum. It is a lovely piece of writing and explains extremely well why we should use LEGO bricks and LEGO Serious Play method in

  • From Forbes by Kevin O’Marah ,  …

    Lego, the iconic and highly profitable Danish toymaker, is the latest business to be headed by an executive rising out of supply chain to the role of CEO. Business press

  • Johan,
    No, two full Identity and Landscape Kit and Connections Kit are too much to fit into those two boxes.
    Display. It depends on a workshop. If I am running a structured intervention then I use the very same

  • IdeasBrocolis and its facilitator Silvia Martin has collaborated with “SITinVET” (Social Inclusion Techniques in Vocational Education and Training) project in a serial of workshops where they have used Lego Ser

  • A group of students attending a Lego Serious Play workshop, to contribute their ideas for new science, art and innovation venture Sci.C.Ed opening in 2018. Session facilitated by Kristin Alford, Director – Science

  • Every once in a while after a couple of years we must post a kind reminder to our community members regarding our community values and LEGO trademarks. The content of the SeriousPlayPro.com is only partially

  • Fabrizio Faraco collaborated with app developers IQUII to create an app for your Lego Serious Play sessions. The app works well if you want to turn your LEGO SERIOUS PLAY sessions interactive. Create an event, ask

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