Profile Details

Pascal Wattiaux

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Seasoned IT consultant and executive with a large international experience on different markets although with a stronger focus on retail, media / entertainment and sport where I have worked as an organizer, a supplier, a media producer.
I negotiated and executed major partnerships with reference technology companies.
I have a mix corporate and start up experience which engrained a pragmatic practice of IT as a strategic tool to support a business.

I have a passion for sport, new media, technology enablement, communities, serious play, and social entrepreneurship

Facilitation languages

French, English

Contact info
skype: pwattiaux
cell: +33 6 8345 2991


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

July 2007 in Enfield by Robert Rasmussen