Ed Chester replied to the topic Duplo or No Duplo, that is the Question … in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
the single brick that i see most used that brings meaning without any other bricks is the transparent blue duplo 2×4 brick. i don’t know why you wouldn’t want that piece. you know – the one that says: trust, ice, transparency, fear, lightness, cold, hope, openness, regulation, clarity, imagination, far future — and so on ;)
Stephen Dann replied to the topic Duplo or No Duplo, that is the Question … in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
The only time I drop the duplo out of the set is entirely to do with the space and baseplates I’ll be using – if I’m dropping people down to a smaller baseplate, or we’re likely to have less elbow room, I’ll pull out the bigger pieces. Otherwise it’s all in, and everything counts – I’ve added the Duplo Numbers Train to my kit for the…[Read more]
Beth Davis replied to the topic Duplo or No Duplo, that is the Question … in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Absolutely include the Duplo elements! You will notice that they are included in the LSP kits. People like variety. Also, I have never had a participant actually use a cow, let’s say, to represent a cow. The use of these elements does not, in my experience, take away from the metaphorical representations in the models.
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Stop-Motion Videos in a session in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
I got StopMotion for my iPhone and there are others in the App store.
In a conversation Thursday with a high-tech colleague in Mumbai, he popped me two other alternatives (one not apparently available in the US). So there ARE a variety of apps out there that require no additional hardware. And my son-in-law has one on his Android and it was said…[Read more]
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Non-certified facilitators in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Marko has made outstanding contributions to the organizational and personal development of tens of thousands of people, many directly but also many who have benefited from his “transfer of training” and his expertise and teachings. And his views on this question are most certainly appreciated.
Over the past 30 years, that concept of…[Read more]
Arjan Passenier replied to the topic Saying Goodbye (using LSP) in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Hi Rick, what a great way of remembering who Onno was and what he loved to do!
He will be greatly missed in the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY community in the Netherlands.Thanks for sharing this (intimate) story!
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Non-certified facilitators in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Hi All,
This is a subject that I take dearly to heart. Some of us in the LSP community were practising years before we finally got certified and I am sure that there will always be a percentage of professionals who discover the methodology and start using it successfully long before they decide to attend a formal training session.I remember a…[Read more]
Marko Rillo replied to the topic Stop-Motion Videos in a session in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Scott – I havent asked the participants to do stop-motion videos, but I have done these myself using camera’s stop motion function. Gopro is the easiest option. See one here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF6Nm5hixKY
Marko Rillo replied to the topic Non-certified facilitators in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
I am also offering certified training courses, but admit that the word “certification” on this market is misleading. Criteria for certification is just survival for 2-4 days at the training. The reason I offer certificates is that many people coming from corporate setting suggest that they need this as the evidence of attendance.
There is no…[Read more]
Marko Rillo replied to the topic Saying Goodbye (using LSP) in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Rick. What a sad loss and what a kind and thoughtful way of remembering Onno. He was such a lovely chap. Very engaged and active LSP practitioner. Thank you for sharing this.
Rodrigo Borgia replied to the topic Saying Goodbye (using LSP) in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Hi Rick,
I never had the chance to meet Onno.
This said, is sorry to hear this news. And of course, a great way to honor him.Rodrigo
Rick Lindeman started the topic Saying Goodbye (using LSP) in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Our friend, and LSP facilitator Onno Kruitwagen died last month. Last week i led a remembrance ceremony at the LEF future center, where we both facilitated..
Although I use LSP, it was Onno who was really captivated by the method, like no other facilitator I knew.
This is when I decided to use Lego in the remembrance ceremony.
What we did is…[Read more]
Rick Lindeman replied to the topic Non-certified facilitators in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
I agree with scott and alan.. the focus on certification is in that sense weird, since lego decided to make it open source… I am a certified facilitator (cps) from the IAF and written quite a bit on this method.. so i regard myself as a lego facilitator (as well as a facilitator with many other tools), without being certified by one of the…[Read more]
Alan McShane replied to the topic Team Building exercises in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Given they are from different companies…
Definition of the “Ideal Team Member” and then turn the stories into stories about specific behaviours. They can then reflect on how the measure / select / train talent like this …. depending on the profile of the attendees. Indeed they can reflect on whether they are personally the ideal or…[Read more]
Veronika Jakl replied to the topic Team Building exercises in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Hi Jaime,
I would start at the beginning: What is the exact goal of the day? Why should these people of different companies build a team? Do they have a goal in the future together or is it just about the fun?
All the best,
Veronika -
Scott Simmerman, Ph.D. CPF, CPT replied to the topic Team Building exercises in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Please allow me to suggest two alternatives, both complete team building games with powerpoint intro and play and debriefing packaged up into a bundle and one that uses LEGO scenes as communications tools. And, these are designed to be easily integrated with other content, using LEGO and LSP or not. Both are anchored in metaphor and both focus on…[Read more]
Rodrigo Borgia replied to the topic Team Building exercises in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
one additional tip: you can create a shared vision of the team in a short future (2 to 4 years).
Jaime Honorato Ruidiaz replied to the topic Team Building exercises in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
I have eight hours for this workshop
Warm up is considered for the first hour
Thanks for your suggestions -
Rodrigo Borgia replied to the topic Team Building exercises in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
Hi Jaime,
How much time in total do you have?
Have you thought that the warm-up in sort way can be considered as the beginning of a team building exercise? :)
Have fun,
Jaime Honorato Ruidiaz started the topic Team Building exercises in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years ago
I would thank any suggestions about exercises of LSP for 25 persons about TeamBulding or Teamworking All members of the group come for different companies and industries
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