• 5 minute intro.
    A group of us did something similar. We followed a quick version of normal skill building:
    Tower: Intro yourself and say one thing about your tower in 30 secs. Reflection is everybody in the room hold up towers and see how with identical instructions the outcomes are different.
    Moose: Build Mike Bowler’s Moose. We have instructions…[Read more]

  • hi, i am very much interested in doing LSP facilitator program but having a confusion in how Indian organisations or Institutions accept LSP as an tool for improvement. can anyone brief me on that.

  • Hi Matevz,

    Great opportunity you have!

    If i were in your shoes, i would take the advantage of getting people to understand the power of a metaphor and the 3d perspective, all at once.

    So, as an introduction exercises (similar as in a warm up), i would have them create a version of themselves with the mini-figure and a maximum of 5 additional…[Read more]

  • Hi!
    I’m invited to the conference of Marketing and Education where I’ll have a breif session (45 minutes) of LSP for about 100 managers. The aim of presentation is to get them interested for sell them a session with LSP in their companies. Any ideas of the presentation are welcome. I’ll have 100 Windows Exploration bags with me.

  • Lego has been around for many years, and I believed it holds a lot of trademarking and copyright ownership. Trademark so to speak includes the use of slogan, taglines, descriptions, special characters, designs and layout along with its brand name and logo. If in any case you copy one of each detailed trademarks, even the closes design or alike so…[Read more]

  • Hello Eli,

    Thank you for the timely and detailed answer.

    Alas, I am far far away and there are only 2 (including me) LSP facilitators here.



  • Hi Martin,
    I have used LSP in counselling settingsfor a few years now with especially difficult participants (including post-trauma patients and a group of unemployed), and am familiar with the issue you present.
    LSP is a great tool in this respect, rest assured.

    The difficulty I see lies elsewhere, namely in hierarchy. Things will work out OK if…[Read more]

  • Hi Ariel,
    Thanks for your question.
    My first comment would be that you should not try to manage a group of 20 participants if you are just one facilitator – it doesn’t make sense. Try to find someone else, preferably LSP-qualified to support you.

    With regard to managing the size of the group, I think what most of us do is to distribute…[Read more]

  • Hi Ariel,
    Thanks for your question.
    My first comment would be that you should not try to manage a group of 20 participants if you are just one facilitator – it doesn’t make sense. Try to find someone else, preferably LSP-qualified to support you.

    With regard to managing the size of the group, I think what most of us do is to distribute…[Read more]

  • Hi All,

    I have a session coming with 20 people where the customer insists working as one group.

    I was thinking on following the “pair programming” method from software engineering where two people program together, hence, building in duos. It could be individual building and then combining to a single model on which talking and story telling in…[Read more]

  • Hi Martin,
    One question that can get this sort of discussion going is “what happened in the past”.
    Perhaps introduce the discussion in a wider context with more people. If the problem doesn’t emerge during the wider discussion, you will at least have uncovered some interesting perspectives. You would then be able to drill down with those who are…[Read more]

  • Hi Martin,
    One question that can get this sort of discussion going is “what happened in the past”.
    Perhaps introduce the discussion in a wider context with more people. If the problem doesn’t emerge during the wider discussion, you will at least have uncovered some interesting perspectives. You would then be able to drill down with those who are…[Read more]

  • Hi Martin,
    One question that can get this sort of discussion going is “what happened in the past”.
    Perhaps introduce the discussion in a wider context with more people. If the problem doesn’t emerge during the wider discussion, you will at least have uncovered some interesting perspectives. You would then be able to drill down with those who are…[Read more]

  • Sounds good, did the conflict in your case already escalate into an argument? I have to defuse the situation I think, your solution seems to help. I think I will need to talk to the both first, so that I can dig deeper into what the situation really is. Having them build their perceptions and insights on the situation might help indeed.

  • Hi Martin,

    What I have done is to use LSP as a methodology for both parties to express them perspective on a certain topic.

    So, my process is quite simple: introduction (warm-up), then perspectives and insights on subject a, then on subject b and then to have both sides to create a potential stabilized solution with a core concept of a and…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    I have two colleagues who are arguing on and off and today broke out into a pretty childish conflict. It’s gone on long enough and I want to help them understand each other better. I will give them an announcement for a session on Thursday where we will try to work out this conflict of theirs. I am also their manager, so I think they will…[Read more]

  • I was thinking about not responding :P
    Jokes aside, I believe with the LSP Team script you have a great way to bring to the table what you already look for and be ready for surprises … I have used it for problem resolution. Is very important that the facilitator is not involved personally in any of the issues, If you facilitate then resist the…[Read more]

  • Hi All,

    I am currently working on an issue we have today: some people don’t reply to emails at all!
    You send a request through email to some colleague and you don’t receive any answer back.
    I think LSP could help solving this issue and I am wondering if someone has already applied LSP to such a scenario.

    Thanks a lot,


  • I am wondering how other facilitators provide any “proof” of the benefits of an LSP workshop. When asked “how did it improve employee performance?” or “Can you show the return on investment?” what replies are effective?

    Is there any guides to “how to sell in LSP or convince skeptics of the benefits?”

    Any tips would be welcome.


    Yla Eason

  • Hola Jesús.
    Con gusto podemos platicar el martes; me puedes contactar al cel (55)3731-2022 o por correo a ruben@creatividadaplicada.mx
    Mándame mensaje por WhatsApp el lunes si quieres y nos ponemos de acuerdo.

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