Clara Rodrigues replied to the topic LSP and Design Thinking in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi Eli,
I am also curious about how does LSP works for empathy.
Just a little add on to your doubts: empathic attitude is key issue during all the process of Design Thinking and all the approaches I know of it include empathy. The relevance of it might change according to the stage, but it is most proeminent during the first stage. IDEO calls…[Read more] -
Alexander Nazaruk started the topic A question for the LSP Practitioners and Professionals in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Good day to all of you!
I am a high school student who is currently doing a research project on Lego Serious Play. I hope to eventually gather a lot of research on the economics and various systems of Lego Serious Play.
I have a question that has probably been answered dozens of times, but I cannot find it on the website anywhere, so:
Why is it…[
Lorenzo replied to the topic Great presentation by Lorenzo Massacci in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years, 1 month ago
scusate ho dato per scontato che tutti conoscano l’agile day.
trovate maggiori informazioni qui http://www.agileday.it/front/è l’evento italiano annuale dedicato alle metodologie di sviluppo software che seguono l’agile manifesto (http://agilemanifesto.org/)
il secondo evento dove abbiamo fatto il workshop invece era questo:…[Read more]
Lorenzo replied to the topic Great presentation by Lorenzo Massacci in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years, 1 month ago
grazie Marko e grazie Fabrizioquesta è la presentazione che ho fatto all’agile day
dove ho tenuto un intervento di 45 minuti ad una platea di una settantina di persone per presentare la metodologia Lego Serious Play. Vista la platea il taglio era molto legato a come utilizzarla all’inizio e all’interno di un progetto software. (durante…[Read more] -
Lorenzo replied to the topic Great presentation by Lorenzo Massacci in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years, 1 month ago
questa è la presentazione che ho fatto all’agile day
dove ho tenuto un intervento di 45 minuti ad una platea di una settantina di persone per presentare la metodologia Lego Serious Play. Vista la platea il taglio era molto legato a come utilizzarla all’inizio e all’interno di un progetto software. (durante la presentazione ho fatto fare…[Read more] -
Fabrizio Faraco replied to the topic Great presentation by Lorenzo Massacci in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years, 1 month ago
Una bella presentazione Leonardo. E’ derivata da quella che avete presentato con Paolo Manocchi o è quest’ultima quella derivata?
Fabrizio Faraco replied to the topic Techiche e metodi (di F. Faraco) in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years, 1 month ago
Grazie Patrizia. Sia del repost qui nel forum (chiedo scusa) che per la risposta alla mia domanda.
Come dici tu e come mi conferma anche Massimo si può far presto ad entrare nel flow.
Rispetto alla valigia anch’io uso solo l’identity (o per ora una versione ridotta).
Massimo Mercuri replied to the topic Techiche e metodi (di F. Faraco) in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years, 1 month ago
Io non credo negli ice-breakers, a meno che servano a qualche cosa.
E non uso gli starter kits a meno che sia perché voglio pubblicizzare il metodo in se. ed a volte lo faccio, soprettutto se é la prima volta in una nuova organizzazione, ed i giocatori sono “influencers”.
Comunque, con qualsiasi insieme di mattoncini vari, mi piace aprire s…[Read more] -
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Long term strategy for large TV Station in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Dear Sebastian,
I hope you are doing well. Congratulations on getting this mandate. Some readers might not be aware that your “local TV network” may be broadcasting to up to 25 million people!
My first advice is not on method, but staffing. For 30 people, if you have not already considered it, I would strongly recommend working with a trained…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Long term strategy for large TV Station in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Dear Sebastian,
I hope you are doing well. Congratulations on getting this mandate. Some readers might not be aware that your “local TV network” may be broadcasting to up to 25 million people!
My first advice is not on method, but staffing. For 30 people, if you have not already considered it, I would strongly recommend working with a trained…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Long term strategy for large TV Station in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Dear Sebastian,
I hope you are doing well. Congratulations on getting this mandate. Some readers might not be aware that your “local TV network” may be broadcasting to up to 25 million people!
My first advice is not on method, but staffing. For 30 people, if you have not already considered it, I would strongly recommend working with a trained…[Read more]
Eli De Friend replied to the topic Long term strategy for large TV Station in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Dear Sebastian,
I hope you are doing well. Congratulations on getting this mandate. Some readers might not be aware that your “local TV network” may be broadcasting to up to 25 million people!
My first advice is not on method, but staffing. For 30 people, if you have not already considered it, I would strongly recommend working with a trained…[Read more]
Sebastian Simanjuntak started the topic Long term strategy for large TV Station in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi guys,
I am doing a 2 day workshop with around 30 CEO.. Board of Directors and management of a large local tv network.
They want to do a long term strategy on 3 topics
1. What channels or content to develop for the future
2. What platforms to invest in..ie broadcast,
3. What infrastructure to develop in
They already know the overall big…[
Marko Rillo replied to the topic Dedicated LSP and BMC forum? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Patrizia – there are 46 current members of our community who claim to be proficient to facilitate in Italian language: http://seriousplaypro.com/members/?s=Italian.
Let us try to see if they would be willing to join the discussions and see how to best take it from there. :)
Patrizia Bertini replied to the topic Dedicated LSP and BMC forum? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
I agree with you Marko!
I think that more than marketing and taking care for their business, the community is a learning opportunity – there are more applications, case studies, experiences involving LSP and those who miss the updates, also miss the opportunity to keep up to date with the trends and can miss opportunities.
If language is a…[Read more]
Patrizia Bertini replied to the topic Techiche e metodi (di F. Faraco) in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years, 1 month ago
Ciao Fabrizio!
Io non uso mai il riscaldamento con le istruzioni.
In genere mi vangono date 4 ore, quindi devo ridurre e ottimizzare.
In genere uso la torre avanzata, what is this, what is this/promozione, storytelling con il nightmare/dream.Un altro motivo per cui evito in genere, è la trasporabilità: mi porto solo la mega valigia con l…[Read more]
Patrizia Bertini started the topic Techiche e metodi (di F. Faraco) in the forum Lego Serious Play in Italiano 10 years, 1 month ago
Fabrizio Faraco ha scritto:
“Sono un nuovo facilitatore. Avrei una domanda da porvi relativamente alla fase di warm up dei workshop. Mi piacerebbe sapere se usate sempre il modello con istruzioni e il modello con istruzioni modificato oppure passate dal rompighiaccio (torre/ponte/papero) ad uno sempre di riscaldamento ma più on-topic (tipo il…[Read more]
Dr Abeer Pharaon posted an update in the group Serious Play Forum 10 years, 1 month ago
Had the pleasure of providing LSP taster session to a large construction company.
hopefully be convinced to receive full one, feedback was very positive and willing to carry for proper proposal - Load More
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