Mohammed Alkhanbashi replied to the topic Manuals or Models for Window Exploration Kits in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 5 months ago
That’s amazing!
Thank you very much Dr. Stephen.
Mohammed Alkhanbashi started the topic Manuals or Models for Window Exploration Kits in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years, 5 months ago
Is there any manuals online to build models from the Window Exploration kits? So participant can do “Build from the manual” activity during the Skill Building
Sometimes I have more participants than I have starter kits so I have to use the Window Exploration kits.
Mohammed Alkhanbashi started the topic Co-Facilitating in US in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 7 years, 3 months ago
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this. If it is not please accept my sincere apologies and delete the post.
I had noticed two posts requesting Lego Serious Play Facilitators in USA for sessions during January 2018. One in NYC and the other in Nashville.
Since I will be in the USA around Jan ’18 I am available to assist as…[Read more]
Mohammed Alkhanbashi commented on the post, Serious Play Starter Kit Replacement 11 years, 4 months ago
Hi Marko,
Do you think that the Ultimate Building is sufficient to be divided into 2 starter kits?
Mohammed Alkhanbashi posted a new activity comment 11 years, 8 months ago
Sorry @pkristia I just saw your message. I appreciate your help.
Mohammed Alkhanbashi commented on the post, Want to learn how to design and facilitate with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method? Updated train-the-trainer schedule for 2012 and beginning of 2013 11 years, 8 months ago
Hi Robert
These dates/locations are different than the one at your website. I am assuming that the one in your website is the most accurate and up to date, yes?
Mohammed Alkhanbashi posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago
Thank you Robert. You may send it to this email: abuanas15 at hotmail . com
Mohammed Alkhanbashi posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your feedback. I am planning to attend the course offered by you. I was referring to the course in Holland but when I looked to the Calendar it is now in Madrid.
You mentioned some material is available would you be kind enough and tell me where can I obtain this material?
AbuAnas -
Mohammed Alkhanbashi posted an update in the group
Serious Play Forum 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi there
Finally I received LSP starter kits and one identity kit. Unfortunately the only material provided with the package was the 15 page imaginopedia leaflet whic provides basics information about the LSP.
I assumed that there is manuals on the LSP processes and techniques and how to conduct workshops but nothing was provided. I have used…[Read more]
Hi AbuAnas,
No, you are not msising anything in the shipment from LEGO. And to be honest there really isn’t anything available that would be useful for you without first having gone through the training. Doing LSP might seem easy, because building with LEGO bricks are, but the fact are that all the value comes from how to first design the…[Read more]-
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your feedback. I am planning to attend the course offered by you. I was referring to the course in Holland but when I looked to the Calendar it is now in Madrid.
You mentioned some material is available would you be kind enough and tell me where can I obtain this material?
Hi AbuAnas,
The session in Holland got moved to a week later beginning of October – fyi!
The background materials that you can begin to read I have in mind I can email to you, if you let me know which address to use.
Nothing of it though will enable you to design and facilitate before the training.
Thank you Robert. You may send it to this email: abuanas15 at hotmail . com
Mohammed Alkhanbashi posted an update in the group
Serious Play Forum 11 years, 12 months ago
I am relatively new to SLP I have attended an innovation course where the SLP was used and read the scarce material available online. I am planning to use SLP to facilitate workshops for my clients to build innovative business models, innovative ads campaign, innovative new products and innovative problem solving.Right now I am in the process…[Read more]
Hi there,
I thought I would reply, before you receive any comments from any of the interested parties. The LSP Facilitator Qualification is given by the Master Trainers who used to deliver the official facilitator training offered by The LEGO Company. The programme may have been improved since moving to Open Source, but you can be guaranteed that…[Read more]
Dear Abu,
Welcome to the SeriousPlayPro community and thank you for considering Lego Serious Play as a valuable tool for your work!
For your question about training – there are several people who provide training in the field of Lego Serious Play and which one you choose is up to your preferences. There are two original master trainers of the…[Read more]
Mohammed Alkhanbashi started the topic Challenging workshop to know individual traits. Thoughts? in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 25 years, 2 months ago
I am about to conduct a workshop which is slightly different than what I am usually used to. I would like to hear your thoughts on it.1. Objective:
To identify some characteristics and traits of a group of high school students such as leadership and commitment. A group of experienced (not LSP trained) will observe the students during the…[Read more]
Hi AbuAnas,
The session in Holland got moved to a week later beginning of October – fyi!
The background materials that you can begin to read I have in mind I can email to you, if you let me know which address to use.
Nothing of it though will enable you to design and facilitate before the training.
Thank you Robert. You may send it to this email: abuanas15 at hotmail . com