Sorry if I missed your call, I am doing a training in India, so am a bit unavailable
Your questions can be answered from several perspectives: 1) From LEGO trademarks and 2) From the Assocation of Master Trainers
I will try to the real broad outline, and then would be more than happy to speak on the phone
Generally, what LEGO care about is that we use the trademarks correctly and that when we do workshops we follow the method, and they encourage us to use the “right” material in the “right way, e.g. using new starter kits or exploration bags for a new process
Training of Facilitators: From the perspective of the Assocation, you cannot train others using the material that you got from your own training (this is in the terms of use). And, when we in our business deliver our training sessions for it to carry the Assocation logo it has to follow the four days outline.
I hope this give an idea of the big picture, then there are all the details and ideas. As mentioned would be happy to speak. Tomorrow is Day 2 on the Certification Training, so I am done ca 17.30/5.30pm local time (Mumbai)