lsp for senior project managers

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    idan levin

    Hello, my name is idan and in the last few monthes I have been conducting lsp workshops in Israel, after finishing the 4 day training in london. My next workshop is a bit tricky and would love some proffesional input. I was asked to conduct a two and a half hour workshop for 23 senior project managers at a global firm. the subject is role identity. There is very little time so I am thinking of doing the following:
    1. Starting the skills building as a group, and maybe putting in an explain this exercise to train them in metaphorical language before we digg in (not to the whole group off course, 3-4 examples)
    2. Dividing them into two groups from the last exercise of skills building (build a model of one aspect of your work that you love?) to the end.
    3. In the groups:first building individual models (how do perceive your role as project manager), sharing and reflecting.
    4. Building a landscape, each group builds her own landscape
    5. summarizing, talking about the similarities between the models and reflecting.

    Do you think there is enough time or am I being to optimistic? are the questions interesting enough as to enable the group to go deep in their learning experience?
    Thank you so much

    Rodrigo Borgia

    Hi Idan,
    In my humildy opinion, warm up exercises are crucial for skill development.
    In my cases, i take a full hour just to warm up.
    I’m not in favor of all the exercises you would like to do in 2.5 hours. I wouldn’t do in that fashion.
    What about less topics to include?
    Have fun,


    Hi Idan,

    In my experience the amount of activities you wish to implement are rather ambitious for 23 people in 2.5 hours. The questons are interesting enough though.

    Bob Cornelis

    Hello, nice topic but 23participants for a workshop of 2,5 hrs and this programme is ambitiuous. I would go for a shared model with 10 big principles of the identity for the target group. You have then a result that has a sense and output supported by all participants. Good luck.

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