• It is REALLY EASY to engage people if you are doing things WITH THEM rather than TO them. And general metaphors work great if you allow the participants to reframe them into something personal to the individual or tabletop.

    Show someone a Rorschach (inkblot) image and they will see things. Show them a construct from something like a Thematic…[Read more]

  • There was a time when Lego was simply considered an effective mental development tool, focused solely on children. With years of research and development, companies are now recognising how Lego or to put it right

  • Eli had a very good explanation of how humans (kids and adults) process metaphors. Incidentally I also do workshops with children from ages 4 (speaking age) to early teens and I have found that their grasp of understanding, modelling and explaining metaphors through LEGO (or any other physical object) is generally the same as adults. It is just a…[Read more]

  • Please don’t think I was suggesting that I doubted adults could learn this way. I am trying to wrap my head around how to walk through some of these steps and looking for tips that you have found helpful in moving first time users from physical concepts to more abstract. It is easier to show for examples a theme of generosity than to show a theme…[Read more]

  • I won’t bother to repeat what Sebastian has already said, but will be a bit more rhetorical. How did we learn that the shapes (that we call letters) “d” “o” “g” represent a four legged mammal with a tail that it wags when it’s happy and that those same shapes/letters in a different sequence represent the supreme element of our belief system? As…[Read more]

  • fully agree. the idea of make a physical metaphor is the easy part. everyone i’ve worked with has been fully on board with putting abstract concepts onto bricks after about 45mins, 3/4 of the way through the standard skills building. if you don’t do the skills building, you can’t expect the method to work.

  • We have no doubt that LEGO® Serious® Play® is one of the best strategic process tool right now. But combining LSP with more traditional development tools, can enhance the both the outcome and the effectiveness of

  • Hi Joy,

    In answer to you questions “..how do you in corporate settings get adults who haven’t played with LEGO before or not in 30 years to figure out how to convey ideas into bricks?”;

    I have been doing LEGO SP in corporate settings for several years now with thousands of participants.. staff level, middle managers, Board of Directors, M…[Read more]

  • After the successful internship of 3 young people at SeriousPlayPro Tallinn office last year we are again announcing summer internship called SeriousPlayPro Academy for a group of young people who are interested

  • Hello everybody,
    Could you help me giving references of companies – law firms – where the methodology was already used around the world? Does anyone have clients in this segment?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Koen,

    Thank you for the link. I have downloaded it and have begun to look through it for ideas. I have to admit that looking at the challenges I wasn’t sure I knew how I would respond or what I would build. The questions were good, but how do you in corporate settings get adults who haven’t played with LEGO before or not in 30 years to figure…[Read more]

  • Hi Joy,
    The classroom version of LSP was: buildtoexpress (indeed discontinued also)

    But the material / guides is still available :

    This could be a good starting point.
    Good luck.


  • It seems much of LSP is geared to adults which is awesome. One problem I have found with LEGO Ed geared toward kids is that it is all STEM oriented. Hopefully we will eventually get there but we are at the starting block of problem solving. Years ago I had an early addition of Story Starter Set (discontinued) which is more along the lines of LSP.…[Read more]

  • In the forthcoming Special Issue we will explore the use of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and further LEGO® related innovative applications for learning and teaching as well as supporting students’ and staff’s learni

  • Thanks everyone, and Alan especially for raising the question. I agree with Eli that it’s all about the objective and purpose of LSP. For me this topic relates to the concrete/abstract trajectory of LSP: as discussed Duplo pieces (including animals and human figures) can be really helpful if they are taken metaphorically and enrich the…[Read more]

  • Its common knowledge that a few people often dictates the tone and culture of a meeting. This limits the engagement and in the end the output of the meeting. This challenge is also true for all kinds of

  • Sounds great, please may I join?

  • Dieter Reuther from Cast Collective shared a recent podcast by Belinda Doveston from Building Teams, who is an innovative educator from South Africa. The podcast segment was covering Cast Collective’s case study

  • David Gauntlett who is an avid LEGO player and fan has just issued his second edition of the classic Making is Connecting 1st Edition book. In his book he talks about the value of crafting stuff with your hands

  • I also use the Blue transparent DUPLO brick at the start of every session to explain the concept of metaphors. I always state “This brick represents my Mother in Law…. Why?” They then have a good time guessing size, transparency, wisdom, eight kids, calm, peacemaker, loves jewelry, etc. Its amusing and they get the point very quickly that youre…[Read more]

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