Teambuilding activities for a team of 4 people!?

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  • #11235

    Hello coleagues!
    I have been requested for a teambuilding session for 4 people only!
    1 German and 3 mexicans.
    Do you have any suggestions of activities I can include in the session?? I would deeple appreciate your inputs!
    Have a fun week!


    Hi Marcos,
    I always tell potential clients that team-building is an unavoidable by-product of the LSP process. Therefore it is better value and actually helps the process if the team can focus on a specific subject. The fact that they are German and Mexicans should only influence what language they use.

    Activities you might want to consider could be “Build a model of your ideal colleague”, as well as the standard identity ones such as “Build you in your job”, “Build a model of something bad that happened at work in the past”.
    Good luck,


    Hi Marcos,

    Here are several suggestions:

    1. Focus on topics such as trust, cooperation, decision making, and risks / benefits.
    2. How would the optimal team work well together?
    3. Build a model of what the team currently looks like (feels about “teamness”), then move to what is should look like.

    Best of luck,



    I would focus them on a task to improve something, a shared issue. We are playing with the design of a course around this kind of situation, so please allow me to share some ideas. If you want a LOT of details about how to run this, please contact me directly. I am also looking for people who might want to partner more closely on the design of this workshop.

    First, we will share a metaphor about organizational performance improvement. For the past 25 years, we have been playing with a metaphor of Square Wheels®, representing things that don’t work smoothly and the Round Wheels that already exist. Have them discuss what they perceive as the SWs in their workplace and select a SW to focus on.

    (There are some related activities for team networking in situations with more than a few tabletops but these four people should accomplish this pretty easily.)

    Second, they download and learn how to use a stop-motion app on one of their phones.

    Third, they now put together a scenario whereby they discover their SW, identify their RW possibilities, analyze and strategize how to deal with the roadblocks to implement, address their needed resources, and design an implementation plan.

    They then play out the stop-motion, putting together a process of problem identification, problem solving, and their strategies and tactics for implementing a real solution in their real workplace. All this is captured in the images as they play out their scenario.

    They each get a copy of their narrated work. In a group setting, each group presents its successful scenario and the workshop captures the future-paced ideas around workplace improvement, something that can be shown to other groups that then work through their own scenarios.

    Experience has shown that you can generate dozens of Square Wheels, things that work that do not work smoothly. And there are many ways, based on individual perspectives and experiences, to discover and implement Round Wheels. You can have the group discuss the BEST proven ways to implement new ideas within their organization (Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny) and a GOOD discussion of how to best manage roadblocks to achieve implementation success can be a powerful facilitated discussion.

    Capturing successes to show to senior management is also a real possibility, as well as building a Learning Organization and Knowledge Organization database / library.

    No sense re-inventing the wheel, right?

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