Lego Serious Play for research?

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  • #3771
    Marko Rillo

    I received today this e-mail. Any suggestions from the community?

    “I am an master Student and a Researcher. I discovered LEGO Serious Play thank to a friend of mine. In 2015 he plans to take the certification, so he asked me if i want to partecipate with him too.

    What i’m asking to you now is: is the LSP method good in scientific research field too? Where can i find some informations of the LSP applied in science?

    I’m asking this because the course is expensive and I want to be sure that this method will work in my field and will not be just a certification that will be useless in my work.”


    Hi Marko,
    I think you’ll find a few cases of research in the social sciences (e.g. the work done by David Gauntlett, Lorenzo Cantoni, etc.)

    I can’t really see how it would work in the natural sciences, because it requires people.
    All the best,


    I’ve studied environmental science, but I think it really depends which area of science.

    My personal opinion is that: in LSP can be useful for developing measurement strategy or research strategy, or to “model” the possible outcomes. Sadly I have never seen a e.research where LSP was used.


    Hello everybody.
    I’am Mattia.
    As Marko suggested, it would be useful to give a deeper explaination of my case.
    I am a Material Scientist and my job is the researcher in various projects that verge on materials development and charaterization for various applications.
    I’ll now make an example:
    Let’s make that my team and I brain-storm about new materials for umbrellas. Would LSP help the birth of new ideas in this case?

    Thank for the answers and please excuse me for my horribile english


    Hi Mattia,
    I’m sure you could use the methodology for exploring the qualities or attributes required for a new umbrella or discussing the principles that an umbrella should respect: is tensile strength more important than impermeability or ultraviolet protection?
    What sort of people use umbrellas?
    How do they use them?
    When do they use them?
    Do you need to carry the umbrella or could it be attached to a drone that hovers above your head, using RFID and GPS and a serious of weather sensors to position and angle itself optimally against, wind and rain, sun, etc.

    As for determining which molecular structure should be used for the spokes, I’m not sure that LSP would be your tool of choice.

    Does this help?

    All the best,



    Thanks to everyone that helped me answering in this thread (and obviously thanks to Marko that opened it).
    Eli you answered to my question very well. The analysis of the property of an object or a material is fundamental for its use. If LSP could help the cooperation, confrontation and discussion about properties and not only business strategies, or a society’s plan for investiment, this is the method i need.

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