Profile Details

Yelda Gurbuz Erdogan

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Since 2015, I’ve served as Turkiye’s first LEGO Serious Play Facilitator. Workshops and the LSP Facilitator Certification Program are available from me.

The Facilitator Certification Program is a cohort-based course that teaches you how to create and lead effective design thinking workshops. You’ll learn how to use my methodology and use the collection of techniques to create, organize, and lead a session.

Everyone is creative in my opinion. It is possible to manage both the creative process and the creative skill.

Innovative thinking, 3D prototyping, and cutting-edge tactics are required at work.

Creating innovative concepts, goods, and services, as well as removing bottlenecks and establishing effective, efficient, and productive processes. I support clients, teams, and organizations with all of these tasks.

I offer participatory, enjoyable, and engaging workshops. I use state-of-the-art techniques and tools that are used globally, unlike other trainers.

Particularly LEGO Serious Play, which enhances people’s experiences and helps them retain information over the long term.

Facilitation languages

Turkish, English, Türkçe

Contact info

Mobile:+90 (532) 585 3679


Hashtags: #hapcozum #SeriousPlayTurkey #LegoSeriousPlayTurkey



Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

2015 Strategic Play