Yelda Gurbuz Erdogan's profile was updated 2 years ago
Yelda Gurbuz Erdogan's profile was updated 3 years ago
Yelda Gurbuz Erdogan's profile was updated 5 years ago
Yelda Gurbuz Erdogan changed their profile picture 5 years ago
Yelda Gurbuz Erdogan's profile was updated 5 years ago
Yelda Gurbuz Erdogan replied to the topic How It All Began: The Origins Of LEGO® Serious Play® in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 6 years ago
This is great article. I am so grateful to you and Mr. Victor. I will frame this part: ‘The story of LSP is one of the sweat, tears and frustration but also the passion, engagement and courage to be different that go into entrepreneurship. It is also a story of persistence.’ As one of facilitator, I am also passionate about methodology. Your…[Read more]
Yelda Gurbuz Erdogan wrote a new post 9 years ago
We all have opinion about how to be a good team. We live in the teams. We see the improvement needs of team ever day. We all talk about it every time, in meetings, at coffee breaks, group discussions etc. Can we