Profile Details

Wayne Strong

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Since establishing Strong Consulting in 1993, I have developed expertise in facilitating creative collaborations with business and community consultations.  We work with proven techniques to be more creative and produce more innovative and effective solutions. By effective ideas, we mean those that work; be it a new product, strategic planning, community consultations, culture mapping and solving other big problems.

Working with proven techniques, such as LEGO Serious Play produces more creative and effective solutions. By effective ideas, we mean those that work; be it a new product, strategic planning, community consultations, culture mapping and solving other big problems.

It is essential to understand that when there is a ‘problem,’ it is important to seek out inspiration to which the group will respond. Invariably this requires focusing or combining on activities which include e.g. LEGO Serious Play, prototyping tools, customer testing, books, movies, right down to the design and facilitation of the events. In fact, anything that will stimulate the group’s brain to help make connections between the issues and the solution.

Facilitation languages


Contact info

M: 0417 303 498





Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

Have worked with LSP since 2008