Profile Details

Monica Kerik

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Monica Kerik is a TEDx speaker, work-life coach and happiness strategist. She is the founder of Life Full of Goodness whose mission is to support mindful, balanced and fulfilling lives.

Monica creates safe, non-judgmental spaces for individuals and companies to initiate discussions about values, purpose, goals, mission and vision and craft the roadmap to create more mindful, engaged and fulfilling environments using different methodologies like Co-Active® Coaching, LEGO® Serious Play® and Science-based tools and strategies that improve happiness and well-being.


Before Life Full of Goodness, Monica worked for 15+ years in Advertising and Strategic Planning in Mexico, England & the USA, past clients include: HSBC, American Express, American Cancer Society, L’oréal and Virgin.


Facilitation languages

English & Spanish

Contact info



Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

Robert Rasmussen, North Carolina, January 2018.