Profile Details

Mike Phillips

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

I am a qualified barrister and solicitor. I am also a certified Scrum Master and Prince2 Practioner. I have run many workshops in the public and private sector since qualifying as a certified LEGO Serious Play Facilitator in 2014.

I continually innovate in my sessions and have introduced music and other elements. I have successfully run LEGO Serious Play sessions with visually impaired and hearing impaired people. I have also run successful sessions with people using different languages. The common language of LEGO and the LEGO Serious Play method result in awesome outcomes.


Facilitation languages


Contact info

+64 211586886


Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?


If yes - who, where and when trained you?

Rapid Results, Auckland, 2014