• Hi Marko,
    To be honest, I never do the full two hours, but to give you an idea about how the time can be allocated.

    Instructions 1 minute + building 3 minutes + debrief 2 minutes + deconstructing models 1 minute = 8 minutes

    Instructions 2 minutes, building 10 minutes, explaining 10 minutes, debrief 2 minutes +…[Read more]

  • Hi everyone,
    Thanks you so much for your valuable input!
    I’ve facilitated my first 1-day LSP workshop yesterday for the commercial team of an Embassy in Brussels. The goal was to streghten the team, help ‘m to deal with changes and ‘rejuvenate’. I took almost 90′ for intro & skills building, used the Team Life scenario as a base and ended with a…[Read more]

  • Sean – love your gridcards concept, thank you for sharing! You might have seen that Tesla Amazing has come up with a novel idea about cards of different sizes that can be written-erased and that stick with static charge to just about any walls: http://teslaamazing.com/

    Planning your day looks good. Given that thinking with your hands may be…[Read more]

  • Hi,
    Thanks for sharing your experience!

    I was reading your post during the lunch break of a 1-day LSP workshop I conducted yesterday. The goal was to streghten the team, help ‘m to deal with changes and ‘rejuvenate’. I took almost 90′ for intro & skills building ans the workshop was a great success!

    Next one is sheduled April, 9th and I’m…[Read more]

  • Gabriel – thanks for your open description of your success and lessons learned. This is always the challenge for a facilitator – how to be well prepared, but still be ready to be flexible to changes during the session.

    While you seem to be very critical about the process I would focus to what you have said – the client was happy about the…[Read more]

  • Hi Eli,

    thanks for your comments, they are all so very valuable. I’ll make sure to take into account your suggestions for my next workshop.

    Thanks again Eli…

  • Hi Gabriel,

    Thanks for posting your experiences. Everyone should read your story.

    I’m surprised that you recommend an hour skill-building. I’m sure I was told in training that it should be 2 hours!

    Handling the talkative ones is just part of the job of being a facilitator. Doing the skills building right won’t get your participants obeying…[Read more]

  • Thanks very much Mark. I have seen the 1000 participant post, but not yours. 3 minutes, vision for a country – brilliant!

    The conference I’m designing might begin by asking people to identify the challenges their industry faces. Capturing answers on gridcards (my version of post its…[Read more]

  • Hello community,

    I am taking some time to share my experience of a workshop I completed just about 1 week and a half ago.

    In a nutshell, this workshop did not go as planned. I was too ambitious with timing. I was only able to complete 2 out of the three exercises. Here’s what happened.

    The workshop was scheduled from 10 am to 3:45-4:00 p…[Read more]

  • Sean – sure. Please let us know what kind of exercise you have in mind and what is the type of group that you have in mind.

    There are lots of interesting case studies of running LSP sessions in large groups. You have probably already seen this:…[Read more]

  • I’m curious about your experiences with LSP in large groups. I’m facilitating a group of about 320 participants and wondered if any one had experiences to share of workshops of this size?

    I imagine a simple ‘thinking-with-your-hands’ intervention of about an hour.

  • Luc,

    Just to confirm what the others have already said. I have used Lego Serious Play for nearly a decade now – in average 20-40 LSP sessions a year, but i have never gone to the client selling LSP. In most cases I even do not write LSP into my proposals. Clients find out about the bricks only at the last minute.

    Usually the client describes me…[Read more]

  • Hi Luc

    Just a quick comment from me. People don’t want LSP.

    They also don’t want a meeting, workshop or awayday.

    They want an outcome.

    Focus discussion on understanding the outcome they desire, then once thats clear establish what tools, methods or processes are suitable for helping them get the outcome they desire.

    I find people seem to value…[Read more]

  • Hi All, thanks for being part of this community. I’m looking forward to participating!

    I’m pulling together an LSP facilitation enterprise here in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. Based on your on-the-ground experience, I would love some help on some LSP keywords that I should use in my enterprise name that will resonate with potential LSP clients.…[Read more]

  • Hi Luc,

    The good news is you’re getting meetings, you’re doing demo’s and they are understanding and seeing value in the method… up to a point.

    From what you said the real problem is taking that next step and showing how it can solve major strategic issues. If you can show that, then the other issue of the method being perceived as a toy…[Read more]

  • Balint, I think we all understand the challenge; we have all met people who are shortsighted and don’t want to invest. Believe me, Eastern Europe does not have a monopoly on shortsightedness. Wall Street in New York has proven time and again that it cannot see beyond the end of its next 3-month nose. So these are the people whose careers are going…[Read more]

  • Luc, I find terms like C-level quite confusing; still here’s a list of CAPRESE LSP references, where senior management have been involved (I’ll leave it to you to decide whether VP R&D EMEA in Honeywell ACS who reports to an Executive VP is senior or junior to VP R&D Aerolia who reports directly to a…[Read more]

  • I haven’t done any LSP workshops (certified in dec ’14), so I cannot refer to those… Numbers can help, but I would already be grateful to have one or couple business cases in which C-level decision makers used the method successfully to decide on strategic topics.

  • I haven’t done any LSP workshops (certified in dec ’14), si I cannot refer to those. Numbers can help, but I would already be grateful to have one or couple business cases in which C-level decision makers used the method successfully to decide on strategic topics.

  • I cold heartedly agree with Eli, don’t “fall into the numbers trap”. The way I work around this is by bringing up all the workshops I have conducted in the past, with or without LSP. LSP is a tool, and a great one… but the secret is the facilitator. Also depending on the type of clients you are dealing with, I learned so far that some will catch…[Read more]

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