Profile Details

Jaume Catala

Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

With over 10 years sales experience in several roles (Key Account Manager, Sales Account Manager…) and different industries (telecommunications, Internet, consumer goods…), I have a solid background in all commercial areas.

During the past 5 years I have worked as a change management consultant focusing on optimization programs aimed at designing, developing and implementation improvements primarily in the financial and automotive services industries.

More recently, I have been involved in executive coaching projects aimed at improving leadership and team management skills and habits of high-level executives.

I currently reside in New York City.

Facilitation languages

Spanish, Catalan, English

Contact info

If yes - who, where and when trained you?

I'm LSP certified
Barcelona, February 2013
Trainer: Per Kristiansen