• Great book – I was actually at the conference “Serious Play” in Pasadena CA when he presented (see the video posted by Marko). We did a small LSP workshop as a break-out. Brown’s book and presentation really help under line the importance of play – for all ages and reinforce the value of LSP! It’s

  • For years many innovative management consultants, who pondered the value of play within organizations, conducted their work in isolation.  After all, the idea of ‘play at work’ in Western society seemed a bit eccentric and not widely valued.  However, when a handful of consultants met in Denmark in 2006, and began to collaborate, we recognized

  • ThumbnailStrategic Playroom Fundamentals certification training based on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY™ methodology and materials is planned for: North America: August 16, 17, 18 and 19th in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  Please visit:  http://www.lloydsmith.com Europe: September 22, 23, 24 in Hamburg (Deutschland), Germany. Please visit:   http://www.strategicplay.de For more information on training offered in Australia, New Zealand and / or Asia Pacific please visit: http://www.mci.edu.au/ Training will soon

  • ThumbnailThe ability to think creatively is now more important than ever, as the world is changing rapidly and we are all asked to do more with less. Many corporations are outsourcing skilled labour such as engineering, accounting, and software writing.  North Americans watch as left brain jobs go to countries asking for lower incomes.  Innovation is