Greet Maeyaert replied to the topic LSP workshop with 19 participants in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 11 months ago
@Luc, thanks for your post. As I’ll have four assistants available during the workshop, there is no need for an extra facilitator. But thanks anyway!
Greet Maeyaert replied to the topic LSP workshop with 19 participants in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 12 months ago
@Sebastian, I’m interested in the ‘Assistant’s Guidelines’ for LSP. Are they publicly available ?
Greet Maeyaert replied to the topic LSP workshop with 19 participants in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 12 months ago
Thank you all for your feedback ! It’s obvious I have to let go of the idea not to split up the group. I like the idea of using the World Cafe method as an alternative. There are 3 “facilitators” in the group who have no LSP experience, but I think I will give them the assistant’s role. Regarding the BMC, I know I have not enough time for that,…[Read more]
Greet Maeyaert started the topic LSP workshop with 19 participants in the forum
Serious Play Pro Forum 10 years ago
I’m struggling with a workshop I prepare with 19 participants, most of them are entrepreneurs. The participants do not know each other yet, but have engaged in a project for 2 years where they will meet each other every month to discuss specific topics. The goal of the 1,5 days workshop is two-fold: to get to know each other and to get…[Read more]