Profile Details


Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?

Specialists in leadership and change processes.
My story began as coach three years ago. My first step into the world of work was focused at the family business.
These years of dedication to the company, have given challenges posed by continuous movements and changes in the business.
My experience in the business allows me to meet many people, many profiles of people with needs, values and different talents, and a very important calling: get align its principles with the vision of the company.
Leaderships themselves, accompany them in their creative process of improvement, also empowering them, all in order to reach your focus from overcoming, positivism ande their innate abilities.
LEGO SERIOS PLAY Method, allows me to work with the individual talents within a team and get every one of the team members involved in decision-making.
LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Methods, creates the team´s Simple Guiding Principles that will give you strength and sustainability in decisions and all learning to build a team.
Why my motto is : learning by doing

Facilitation languages


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If yes - who, where and when trained you?

it´s a very intense and comprehensive process where the trainer take the challenge in four days to teach thinking with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method.
Teach you to understand the basic rules and handle yourselves with all the tools to create your own workshops

It´s an incredible journey into the world of knowledge.