Lina Villamil joined the group Serious Play Forum 1 year, 6 months ago
Hector Fabio Hernandez replied to the topic LSP in virtual scenarios in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 7 months ago
Hi Omar, I think is a great idea. I am in. Thanks. Hector
Hector Fabio Hernandez replied to the topic Flow + Metaphor in 2 hours? in the forum Serious Play Pro Forum 9 years, 8 months ago
Dear Jeff,
I also agree with Massimo and Gabriel that your design sounds to ambitious for two hours. My comment might arrive too late as I undertand your workshop is sometime today. However, in my experience when you budget the time you need to keep in mind that the sharing usually takes anywhere from 1 to 3 minutes per participant. If you have…[Read more]
Hector Fabio Hernandez posted an update in the group LEGO SERIOUS PLAY en Español 9 years, 9 months ago
Estimados Colegas, estoy promoviendo la creación de un grupo de estudio, discusión, crecimiento, etc para colegas en Colombia. La idea es tener reuniones presenciales en donde podamos explorar la metodología y aprender mutuamente. Algún (a) interesado (a)?