- Name
Dr. Claude Diderich
- Who are you and why do you want to become a member of SeriousPlayPro community?
Dr Claude Diderich is a strategy consultant specialized in design thinking based business model innovation. He has more than 20 years of experience in business model innovation, strategy design and implementation, products and services development, business architecture optimization, and digital transformation. Through the years as a consultant, Claude has worked with numerous firms and advised them on improving their profitability through creativity and innovation in a digital age
Claude is the founder and managing director of
, a consulting boutique focused on innovation, strategy, and digital transformation advice for service firms. Prior to founding innovate.d in 2011, Claude worked in senior roles at Credit Suisse, UBS, Bank Julius Bär, and Deloitte ConsultingClaude holds a doctor ès sciences and a masters in computer science engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, a certificate of advanced studies in strategy from the University of St. Gallen, and a specialization certificate in design thinking and innovation from the Darden Business School, University of Virginia. He is a certified EFFAS Financial Analyst and Portfolio Manager (CEFA), FRM certified, a certified New Product Development Professional (NPDP), and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). He is also a certified facilitator in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method. Claude is a member of the Strategic Management Society and serves as a member of the editorial review board of the Journal of Business Models
- Facilitation languages
English, French, German
- Contact info
innovate.d llc
Mülibachstrasse 49
CH-8805 Richterswil
+41 44 450 8100
- Twitter URL
- Have you been trained in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY?
- If yes - who, where and when trained you?
2018, London, UK, by Robert Rasmussen